Chapter 6

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Greetings everyone.Here's the new chapter.So enjoy reading...

(Please start the song when I'll say)

Author's POV:-:

Rudransh,Yuvaan and Ishaan stood there like statue.

"She's dangerous bro!!"Yuvaan mumbled gulping..

"And hot also!"Ishaan added just to get a hard glare from Rudransh.

"What?"Ishaan said he saw Rudransh glaring him.

Before Rudransh could say something,Ramnesh,Reyansh and Nitin went on stage.

"Good evening everyone,Rai Singhania's welcome you all here.
First of all thankyou for attending the party and gracing us with your presence.So without any further delay let's call the person for whom we all gathered here.Let's put our hands together for....!"Ramnesh said...

"Princess of Rai Singhania family...."Nitin stopped and Reyansh continued"And heartbeat of Rajvansh Family....Varnika Rai Singhnia!"

Sounds of clappings and murmurs filled the air.

Varnika stepped on the stage elegantly with a stoic face and blank eyes.
Her presence seems to radiate a strong aura.

She side hugged three of them.

Media bombered her with questions.

Ekansh looked at her and nodded,telling her to answer the questions.

With a confident face she clutched the mic.
Her eyes roamed all over the hall,for a second her eyes met Rudransh.
Who was looking at her keenly..
He blinked his eyes in assurance and she nodded with a very small smile.
This interaction of theirs didn't went unnoticed by both of the families,who shared a knowing look with a smile
With a grace she started speaking.
All the were on her...

"First of all Good Evening ladies and gentlemens.I know you all have so many questions roaming in your mind and you can ask freely but Keep the provided restrictions in your mind while asking the questions.Continue...!"She addressed the crowd confidently.

"Ma'am where were you from last five years?"One reporter asked

"Out of India but can't tell you the name!"She answered.

"why you decided to come now?"One of reporter asked politely

"hmm I always wanted people to know me with my own identity not because of my family and now I'm finally standing here as Varnika Rai Singhania,CEO of Black&Grey cosmetics!!"She revealed calmly.

People gasped with the new information.

She was answered their all questions calmly and confidently.

She finally took a deep breath when they were done and went down the stage.

She went towards her bestfriends and started talking to them.

Whereas on the other hand...
Rudransh was busy with his business partners but he was taking glances at varnika every then and now.

Varnika also met with some of her business partners.

The party was almost over.
Both of the families went home except Rudransh,Varnika,Agnika,Yuvika,
Ishaan,Yuvaan,Ekansh and Harshit.
They will be leaving after attending guests who were still here.

(Start the song)

After sometimes Varnika was feeling tired so she went towards the bar section,she was sipping her fruit wine when she heard a shrill and irritating voice...

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