Chapter 4

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Hello guys🖤,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners.Now enjoy reading

Author's POV:-:

Everyone stood stunned by this unexpected reaction of Ishita.

Rudransh who was standing on stairs, looked at his mother in shock not knowing the reason of this sudden action of her.

"Ishita!!!!"Reyansh shouted looking at her with wide eyes.

"Ishita what is this behavior?"Devika shouted not liking her previous action.

"I want to have a word with her,privately!"ishita said holding varnika's wrist.

"Maa sa.....!"agni tried to speak but ishita's sharp voice cut her in middle.


"Come with me!!"ishita said and dragged her towards a room.

She took varnika inside and locked the door.

"Speak!"Ishita said folding her hands on her chest.

"Ishi maa...."

"Don't!!Don't call me maa!!
You lost that right when you left us 5 years ago,being a coward.When you left without telling me.When you didn't contracted me in these 5 years.When you left without fighting for yourself.When you tried to.....!"Ishita stopped in middle as she tried so hard to control her tears but hearing Varnika's next sentence she let them fall freely.

"I was hurt maa"

"I was not able to think what to do,thier betrayal is still fresh in my memories.
They hurted me to that extend that It was hard for me to breath.I was broken so much to be fixed again.
You people were suffering alot at that time and I didn't wanted to make you suffer more.
I never wanted to hurt you all but situation made me leave everything.
I know I was selfish to leave like that but please don't be angry with me.I can't see you upset maa please!!"Varnika said,all the time her eyes were blank.But atlast she kneld down infront of ishita and held her hands.

Ishita immediately hugged her tightly and cried her heart out.

"Please don't cry.I can't see you crying ishi maa!!"Varnika whispered wiping her tears.

"So sorry baccha for not understanding you!!"Ishita said cupping her face.

"No need for sorry maa.Now lets go before Reyansh uncle come barging into the room and scold me for talking to his hot wife privately!"Varnika said with a wink making ishita blush as she playfully hit her arm before muttering"Hatt besharm!"

Both laughed and moved out....

Change in her expression didn't went unnoticed by Ishita.
Her heart clenched seeing her favorite child like this.


She's the one my family was talking about.

Agnika's bestfriend!!

And most shocking thing that happen was my mother slapped her so hard.

I was even more shocked when varnika didn't said anything and hung her head low.

The woman who fired a security guard just because he questioned her decision,the woman who shot a man for talking bullshit about her, didn't opposed my mother when she slapped her??

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