Chapter 5

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All the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners.

Now enjoy reading.


This girl is full of arrogance.
I was just saying her not to curse but she chose to reply arrogantly.
No one ever dared to talk to me like that but arggg.

And now I have to handle her till Agni's wedding.
I hate her already...

No you don't come a voice of my subconscious mind.

Ishaan was right she's Female Lucifer.

There's a party tomorrow in her comeback.
I mean is she queen or what?
Why to throw welcome party in HER welcome?

Rai Singhania family is staying here till all the wedding functions are over.

Dinner went some chit chats.
Right now I'm going towards her room to discuss about pre wedding functions.

I know its late but can't do anything.

I knocked the door reaching in front of her room but heard no response.

Again I knocked but heard no response.

I was about to again when the door burst open"kya hai be bahen cho..."
(What happen sister....)


She abruptly stopped seeing me while,I stood there like a statue with wide eyes and my jaw hung open.

I thought she lived in abroad so she don't know Indian version of curses but here...

From now onwords I'm never going to knock on her door late at night.

She immediately said"bahen chor aaya kya?"looking here and there.Her face was reflecting Innocence.

Ohh I misunderstood.
But wait....bahen?
Bahen nhi bhaiy..argh I mean Rudransh hu mai.

I too cleared my throat before shaking my head negatively.

"Than what happen?"she asked

"aah I have to discuss some details about pre-wedding functions like themes,flowers and venue but its ok we can discuss later"I reasoned

"No no I'm perfect just give me a minute!"She said and running inside the room.

After a minute she came back wearing shrug and with her phone.
She's looking....

Beautiful no?My subconscious mind  asked in mocking tone.

Shutup, she's not.

"Let's discuss!"She announced.

"Actually my laptop and files are in my chamber,so can you come there?"
I was shocked by this tone of mine...

Why the hell I'm being so soft with her?

"Sure!"she said looking at her phone.

"Lead the way!!"She said moving forward and I followed her.

Entering my chamber,I looked at her only to found her busy in her phone?
She found her phone more interesting in campare to my luxury chamber.

"You sit here,I'm bringing my laptop!"I said moving towards my study.

"So any idea about themes or something?"I asked reaching at her with my laptop.

She sat on the bed making bun of her long hairs and i also sat opposite to her.

"Yaah here!"She said passing a pendrive and I frowned.

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