Chapter 1

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The scenery passes in a blur as we drive through the city.

- Man, I wish I was anywhere but here right now, I groan in my head.

- Don't look so glum, Kira, Uncle says. My uncle lets out a soft laugh from the driver's seat.

- You're going to enjoy this dinner party. It should be a nice change of pace. You've been working a little too much lately, Uncle says.

- I don't mind at all. Office life isn't that bad, I say.

- But wouldn't you want a little excitement in your life, Uncle asks.

- Excitement isn't always a good thing, I day.

- My job might be boring, but at least it's secure, I say in my head. A sigh leaves his lips.

- Fine, but try to give tonight a chance. For me. I'll even introduce you to Gabriel Romano. He's going to announce his fiancèe at tonight's dinner, you know. That man is the heir to the Romano Group, which makes him one of the most powerful businessmen in the country, Uncle says.

- Ah yes, a "businessman". You mean a mafia boss, I say in my head. My shoulders sag as I look out the window again. My uncle has helped me a lot. When I needed a place to stay, he opened his home to me without a second thought. So no matter how I feel about his shadier connections, including this Gabriel, I don't want to cause any trouble for him.

- Maybe tonight will go fine after all. I'm sure even the mafia has normal dinner parties, I say in my head.

When we arrive, we go inside and step into a crowded room.

- This is fancier than anywhere I've ever been before, even on special occasions, I say in my head. I look around, dazed by the number of well-dressed and obviously wealthy people chatting with one another.

- Hey, um, I say. I turn to my uncle and freeze. I look around, but there's no sign of him in the crowd.

- Great, I got separated from him at a mafia dinner party. Tonight is off to a great start, I say in my head. I make my way through the crowd in the direction I last saw him.

- Excuse me, pardon me, I say. I'm unused to walking around in heels, though. As I hurry, my foot catches on something, and I tumble forward.

- Woah, I yelp. I throw out my arms and brace for impact, but it never comes. Slowly, I realize a pair of warm, strong arms are holding me by the waist. I turn my head and look up to see one of the most handsome men I've ever laid eyes on. His grip around me is firm, and the way he tugs me up to steady me makes heat rush to my face.

- Thank you, I say. He makes a dismissive sound, his golden eyes cold and his lips curled in an expression of distaste.

- What a klutz. There's nothing I hate more than women who are all beautiful and no brains, the man says.

- What the hell. When he caught me and held me so carefully, I thought he was a gentleman. But this guy's just a huge jerk, I say in my head. I pull myself free of his steadying arms and glare at him.

- And I hate men who are all looks and no manners, I say. He draws himself up, and the man standing next to him guffaws.

- She's got you there, Gabriel, the other man says.

- You stay out of this, Gabriel says.

- Wait. Gabriel, I ask in my head. I take a better look at the man glaring at me. Then I draw a sharp breath and step back.

- Gabriel Romano. He's. He's the mafia boss hosting this party, I say in my head.

- I suppose I could do worse, at least, Gabriel says. The man standing next to him gives me an apologetic smile.

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