Chapter 9

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When Matteo opens the door, he and I see Gabriel with Ace right behind him. Dark circles under Gabriel's eyes suggest he didn't sleep well.

- Was he up because of me, I ask in my head.

- Kira, you're coming with me. As my fiancée, you shouldn't be spending the night at another man's home, Gabriel says.

- Matteo is my friend, I say.

- That doesn't matter, Gabriel says. I bristle at his cold dismissal.

- She doesn't have to go with you, Matteo says.

- Is that so, Gabriel asks.

- That's right. I don't care how powerful a gangster you are, I'll see to it that Kira is safe and away from the likes of you, Matteo says. Gabriel raises his eyebrows. Then he folds his arms and lifts his chin with a sneer.

- Did Angelo put you up to this, Gabriel asks.

- Wait what, I ask. I expect Matteo to instantly deny it, but instead, his gaze darkens and he looks away.

- Matteo, I say.

- Stop the good cop show. You're in with the gangs, just as dirty as we are, Gabriel says. Matteo glares at Gabriel. I move so I'm standing in front of Matteo again, despite his attempts to look away.

- Is he telling the truth. Are you working for Angelo, I ask.

- I. It's not that simple, Matteo says.

- But you can't deny it outright, can you, Gabriel asks. Matteo squeezes his eyes shut and lowers his head, and my heart sinks.

- I can't believe it, I say in my head. Without a word, Gabriel slips his hand in mine and pulls me close.

- Let's go home, Kira, Gabriel says.

Awkward silence fills Gabriel's car as he starts to drive. He rests one hand on my thigh, steering with his other hand. The contact makes me blush.

- About last night, I'm sorry, Kira, Gabriel says. I look at Gabriel, astounded.

- It's fine. Um. Are you two getting along now, I ask. Ace laughs in the backseat.

- Don't worry about it. We've had worse fights than that before. Sorry we scared you, Ace says.

- Oh, I see, I say.

- Besides, once you left, we had bigger concerns. You should've seen Gabriel running around trying to figure out where you went. He was like a dog searching for, Ace says.

- Would you shut up, Gabriel asks. Gabriel glares at him, but there's no real malice behind it, if anything, he seems embarrassed. I cover my mouth to hide a laugh.

When we enter the villa, Gabriel places his hand on my shoulder.

- Kira, I want to speak with you alone, Gabriel says.

- Alright, I say. My stomach twists as I remember his accusation and the way Matteo couldn't deny it.

We sit down together on the couch in the living room. Gabriel looks at me for a moment in silence. Meanwhile, I clasp my hands together and try not to fidget until he finally speaks.

- It seems I owe you an explanation about Giulia, Gabriel says.

- Huh. That's what he wants to talk about, I ask in my head. My heart hammers as I wait for him to continue.

- What Ace said last night is correct. I once dated her, Gabriel says.

- Were you in love with her, I ask. His jaw clenches.

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