Chapter 10

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The sound of gunfire fills my mind with the worst possibilities.

- Something must have gone wrong with the deal, I say in my head.

- Well, damn. I don't have time to get my gun. Gabriel made it sound like things wouldn't escalate this badly, Ace says. Ace furrows his brow, making a quick decision.

- I'd better find out if he's mixed up in this. Stay here where it's safe, Ace says. He takes off down the street.

- Like I'm going to do that when you both might be in danger, I say in my head.I chase after him.

On the edge of the festival grounds, the shootout continues. Gabriel and the Romano family members he brought with him have taken cover around the side of the building and behind cars. They fire back at another group of men on the other side of the street, though some are firing from within the surrounding buildings.

- This must have been an ambush, I say in my head. A group closes in on Gabriel's position, guns ready. There's a path leading toward my position that should provide some cover. I run toward him before I know what I'm doing.

- Kira, Ace shouts. I ignore Ace's shouts as I duck and dodge stray bullets. My heart pounds until I finally make it to Gabriel's side and grab his arm.

- This way, I say. He turns, and his eyes widen.

- You, Gabriel says. Gunfire breaks out near us, and Gabriel pulls me into cover behind a parked car.

- This will only buy us a little time. Move on my signal, Gabriel says.

- Okay, I say.

- Now, Gabriel says. We dash the next obstacle, a cement wall.

- Are you alright. You're not hurt, are you, I ask.

- Not yet, much to their dismay, Gabriel says. He looks out at our attackers, then to me.

- What about you, Gabriel asks.

- I'm fine, I say. For a moment, he almost smiles. Then he peeks out from cover again, and his expression sobers as he holds out an extra revolver.

- Have you ever used one of these before, Gabriel asks.

- No, never, I say. He hands the gun to me anyway.

- There's a first time for everything. Cover me and follow my lead. If you can't shoot, at least look like you mean it. I'll lead us back toward Ace, Gabriel says.

- Got it, I say. Although my mouth is dry and my palms are sweating, I aim the gun at the men shooting at us.

- Now, this way, Gabriel says. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and leaves cover. One enemy leans into the open, his gun trained on Gabriel. I aim back and fire. Luckily it's enough to make the man falter.

At last, we reach Ace.

- Sorry to have so much excitement without you, Gabriel says.

- Eh, you always were one to start the party early, Ace says. Gabriel turns to me again. Now that we're safe, his cool facade falls apart.

- You shouldn't have taken such a risk, Kira. You were unarmed for crying out loud, Gabriel says.

- I couldn't just stand there while you were in danger. Besides, I wasn't sure if you saw the clear path his way, I say. He lets out a heavy sigh.

- Being unarmed might have given you a slight advantage at first, I'll admit. They didn't come here to shoot civilians. I guess I'll let it slip this time, Gabriel says. The small smile he treats me brings a blush to my cheeks.

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