Chapter 13

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Inside a jail cell, I sit down on the thin bed next to Ace's unconscious form and put my head in my hands.

- This must be what Angelo was planning. Send another mafia group to attack us at the villa, then have the police detain everyone, I say in my head. The memory of Matteo arresting us stands out stronger than anything. He wouldn't even meet my gaze.

- Ugh, Ace groans. A low groan pulls me from my thoughts and toward Ace.

- Ace. You're alright, I say. He winces and laughs weakly.

- That's stretching the definition of it a bit, but let's go with it, Ace says. He has one hand pressed over his chest, and I realize blood has soaked through his shirt.

- They gave him a quick first-aid job before putting him in the cell, but nothing close to what he needs. At least they left some bandages and medical supplies, I say in my head. I swallow past a lump in my throat.

- Ace got hurt trying to protect me, I say in my head.

- Let me help you change that, I say. I grab the fresh bandages and move next to Ace.

- I can, ugh, Ace groans. He moves his arm and winces, and I shake my head.

- You don't have to be strong all the time. It's alright to let someone help you, I say. He chuckles.

- Well, if it has to be someone, at least it's someone I know I can trust. I thought I could always be strong for you, thought, Ace says. I smile as I dip a cloth in the water that was provided for us.

- You've protected me as much as you could. Now let me return the favor, I say. Ace appears speechless for a moment, but then a smile tugs at his lips.

- Alright, doc. I'll cooperate. Be gentle, Ace says. I smile slightly and gently lift his shirt. Underneath, his bandages are almost completely soaked through. My hands tremble as I reach for his bandages. Ace closes his hand over mine, his grip gentle and reassuring.

- Don't worry. I've had worse than this. I won't die, if that's what you're concerned about, Ace says. Despite my doubts, his bravado makes me smile. I unwind the bandages and wince at the sight. Steadying my nerves, I clean the injury with the wet cloth. It feels strange to touch him this way, but I focus on the task at hand.

- Not very polite of them, leaving me like this and making a lady do all the work. Here I thought they were supposed to be gentlemen, but they're no better than the lowest hitmen, Ace says. Once I've cleaned the wound, I grab the bandages and carefully wrap them around Ace's chest until I can finally tie them off.

- How does that feel, I ask.

- Good as new, thanks to you. You're pretty good with your hands, Ace says. I can't help but avert my gaze while my cheeks flush.

- It's nice to have you tending to me. It's not often a gangster gets doted on, Ace says. His gaze meets mine, and I blush, suddenly much more aware of how close we are now. This close in proximity, I can feel the warmth of his body, his breath, even.

- Although, I wish it was under better circumstances, Ace says.

- Yeah, me too, I say. The memory of the way his chest felt under my hands returns to my mind, and my heart rate quickens.

- Kira. Is there a reason you're blushing, Ace asks. I shake my head furiously.

- No, just, um, I was just, I say. He laughs and leans back.

- Maybe it's better to put some distance between us, huh. Don't need you getting too distracted now, as flattered as I am, Ace says. His teasing just makes me blush harder, and I cover my face with my hands.

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