Chapter 6

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- Someone is planning to take my life, I say in my head. A horrible shudder runs through me. Hanging out with Ace at the sports bar felt like my life was normal again, but it really isn't.

- Kira, do you want a hug, Matteo asks. I jump back and look up at him.

- Pardon me, I ask.

- Whenever you were sad at school, I used to give you a hug to cheer you up, so, Matteo says. I stare at Matteo as a flurry of emotions storms inside me.

- It always comforted me to be held by Matteo, I say in my head.

- Thank you, that would help a lot, I say. Matteo smiles gently and steps closer to me. He wraps his arms around my back and pulls me into a tight hug. I find myself easily closing my eyes and relaxing against his chest.

- Everything will be alright. I'll make sure of it, Matteo says. I breathe in deeply as he runs his hand down my back.

- I want to believe him, I really do, I say in my head.

- You make that sound as if you've been waiting to have me to yourself, I say. He laughs softly.

- I certainly would've preferred a much better situation. But I always wanted to be with you. Ever since we graduated, I wondered how long it would take before our paths crossed again, Matteo says. He tightens his embrace, and I catch a bit of his cologne, sharp with a hint of citrus. This hug is different from the ones he'd give me when we were at school, but it's no less pleasant.

- I even thought that when I saw you again, I'd greet you with a big hug. Turns out I didn't quite have the nerve for that, but I'm glad I got to do it now. And the fact this still makes you feel better, well, it makes me even happier now, Matteo says.

- You have a way of reassuring people, I say.

- People. Or just you, Matteo asks.

- I think anyone would be reassured by you. You're the sort of person anyone can trust, I say.

- I hope you're right. That would be good in this line of work. I won't be giving everyone hugs, though. That's always been reserved for you, Matteo says. My heart flutters, and I laugh.

- He really hasn't changed all that much, and yet, I say in my head. The quick beating of my heart doesn't slow down.

We stand like that together for several long minutes until I'm the first to pull away. Though, Mateo keeps his hands on my shoulders. He looks me over with a tender gaze and tucks away a few locks of hair.

- Do you feel better now, Matteo asks.

- Yes. Thank you. It almost feels like no time at all has passed, I say.

- Well, I hope it's not quite like that. I mean, Matteo says. He coughs and looks away, cheeks slightly flushed.

- We've both grown up a lot. Back then, we were always just friends. No matter what, I. I mean, I'm glad we were friends and that we're still friends now. But sometimes, I wonder, Matteo says. He trails off awkwardly, but his flustered words send a thrill through me.

- I think I know what you mean, I say.

- Oh. Good, Matteo says.

- What a strange situation I've found myself in. I'm engaged to a man who has no feelings for me, and he told me not to trust an old friend who clearly does feel something. Everything is all mixed up, I say in my head.

- Come with me, Kira, Matteo says.

- What. Where to, I ask.

- We can run away from here and make sure no one does anything to hurt you, Matteo says.

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