Chapter 5

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Gabriel narrows his eyes at Angelo.

- How dare you imply Kira isn't my fiancèe, Gabriel asks.

- Well now, how did you two meet, Angelo asks.

- My uncle introduced us, I say.

- Go on, Angelo says.

- Then Gabriel took me out to dinner, and we had such a lovely time together. Afterwards, he asked to see me again, and I realized I wanted to do the same, I say. Gabriel nods and places his hand on my shoulder.

- Taking her out was one of the best decisions I ever made, Gabriel says. His voice rings with confidence, and when I look up at him, the admiration in his eyes doesn't seem entirely feigned. Angelo frowns.

- I see. That's charming. I'd love to hear more, but that isn't why I came over here. We have business to discuss, Angelo says. Gabriel studies him for a moment, then turns to me.

- I'm afraid this will have to be a private conversation, Gabriel says.

- I understand, I say. He leans in and kisses me on the cheek before straightening up again. The tender brush of his lips against my skin makes me blush.

- This won't take long. I'll be back soon. Enjoy yourself in the meantime, Gabriel says.

- Alright, I say. Gabriel and Angelo walk away, leaving me alone at the gala. I look around at the gathered guests, who are all enjoying themselves.

When I get out onto the balcony, I find that someone else is already there.

- Matteo, I ask.

- Good to see you again, Kira, Matteo says. With a drink in one hand, he leans against the railing and gazes up at the sky.

- I thought this gala was just for Gabriel's associates, I say in my head. I head over to his side to join him under the stars.

- What are you doing here, I ask.

- I'm on business, Matteo says. He turns to look at me.

- And because I want to rescue you, Matteo says. His gaze is pure and sincere, alight with his burning desire to help.

- This is a dangerous situation, I say in my head. I straighten up and turn away from the balcony.

- I should go, I say. Matteo catches my wrist before I can leave.

- Why. Because Gabriel might be watching, Matteo asks. I look back at him in surprise.

- You can't expect me to believe you're with that man by choice, Matteo says. I shake my head.

- I am with him by choice, I say. Matteo's eyes widen, and he lets go of my arm.

- You can't be serious, Matteo says.

- I'm his fiancèe, aren't I, I ask. His eyes flick downward to watch as I brush my hand over the ring I'm wearing.

- I don't believe that's legitimate, Matteo says.

- Then what do you think, Gabriel kidnapped me to bring me to a gala, I ask.

- I think he's coercing you in some way, Matteo says.

- You've always seen everything in shades of black and white, I say. Matteo sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

- Alright, maybe I don't understand the big picture yet. You don't seem like you've been harmed, at least, Matteo says.

- Of course not, I say.

- Explain it to me, then, Matteo says. I hesitate.

- Please, Kira, nothing in the world matters to me more than your safety, Matteo says.

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