Chapter 8

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- Giulia is Gabriel's ex, I say in my head. The revelation makes a cold pit form in my stomach.

- Is that why he seemed hesitant to reject her outright. Does he still have feelings for her, I ask in my head. Gabriel looks furious.

- How dare you bring up my history in front of Kira, Gabriel asks.

- So you weren't ever going to tell her, Ace asks.

- There's no reason for her to know about Giulia, Gabriel says.

- Her life is in your hands right now. She should know what's going on, Ace says.

- My past has nothing to do with this, Gabriel says. Ace scoffs.

- So you expect me to believe Giulia has nothing to do with why you've been acting strange since she showed up again. Or why when her father suggested a marriage between you two, you didn't refuse despite having a fiancée, Ace asks. Gabriel's lips curl in anger.

- I see what's going on here now. You're jealous, aren't you. You've been sharp with me ever since Kira came into the picture. If anyone's been acting strangely, it's you, Ace, Gabriel says.

- What are you getting at, Ace asks.

- I asked you to be Kira's bodyguard because I trusted you, but just what of mine has my sworn brother been eyeing, Gabriel asks.

- Wait, what is that supposed to mean, I ask.

- Exactly what it sounds like. Come clean, now, Gabriel says. Ace slams his foot down, his voice growing dangerously loud.

- And what if I was. You don't love Kira anyway, so why should it matter to you if someone else does. She's a fine girl, and she deserves a man who'll treat her right. Someone who appreciates her, cares about her, shows her some damn affection, Ace says. While I'm still reeling from this sudden turn on the conversation, Ace hooks his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. His warm, soft lips brush mine.

- He's kissing me, I ask in my head. My heart pounds against my chest. Despite my initial shock, I relax in his arms and kiss him back. His lips are warm and bring with them a hint of something sweet. Ace pulls away slightly, looking at me with hunger in his eye while his warm breath hits my skin.

- Is this what you've been craving, Kira, Ace asks. The possibility didn't truly occur to me until now. He's a gentleman and gets flustered around me at times. But this kiss suggests Gabriel's implied accusation is true, that Ace has feelings for me.

- And what's wrong with that. If I'm engaged to a man who doesn't care about me, can I really be blamed for turning to someone who does, I ask in my head.

- Ace, I, I say. The words slip out in a whisper between my parted lips. I swallow hard, pulling him back in for another kiss, which he happily returns. He wraps his arms around me, strong and secure, and for a moment it's as if nothing else in the world exists.

- What the hell do you think you're doing, Gabriel shouts. Gabriel's harsh voice shatters the illusion. He pushes between us and shoves Ace away.

- Did I not make the rules clear enough, Kira. No relationships with other men, Gabriel yells. My heart pounds, while Ace shows no remorse for what he did.

- I just, I say.

- Ace is strong, but he doesn't have the same clout as Gabriel. This could go really bad, I say in my head. Yet when I think about the kiss Ace and I just shared, I can't see it as a mistake.

- Hey. Leave her alone, alright, Ace says. Ace steps forward again and grabs Gabriel's arm.

- This is on me. I'm the one who kissed her, Ace says.

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