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Nathan Cole

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Nathan Cole

The stunt Eva had pulled made everything click into place.

Myles' mom was murdered.

Myles was murdered.

My little sister was murdered.

By the same fucking murderer: Eva.

Genuinely, I thought she changed by the slightest and she didn't murder anyone. Yes, she was a suspect but she wasn't my main suspect.

Right now, I'm fucking furious. I was fine this whole evening and I didn't want to pick a fight with anyone but it's taking all my self-control to not run over Eva like she just tried to do to Leah.

I desperately want to report her to the police and put her in jail because she fucking murdered Freya. If I wasn't enemies with Leah, I could've asked for her input on what to do in my situation.

It's too risky to jail Eva because I'm meant to be in jail too.

Leah is trying to put me in jail but the person who she should be trying to put in jail is Eva.

I'm not saying that I'm incredibly innocent and I haven't committed any crime, I'm saying that Eva is the one who deserves jail time.

But how will I even put her in jail when I'm trying to be jailed?

My past is fucked up and I have done a lot of fucked up things but what is the worst Leah can do?

Yell some stupid threats and pull my files?

She couldn't put me in jail, even if she fucking tried.

I unbuckle my helmet, tucking it under my arm as I head back towards the tent.

Hearing Leah's angry footfalls, I turn around to catch a glimpse of her expression.

She doesn't even look startled or afraid, she seems lethal.

I've never seen her look so angry, even when I piss her off, but that's what happens when somebody tries to kill her.

Leah tosses her helmet on the floor, beside her feet before reaching for a plastic bottle of water and drinking it with severe thirst.

I lean beside her on the table, watching as she tosses the bottle in the bin and stares straight into the crowd with murderous rage.

"Seems like she hates you too, Parker. How are you going to get help from her when she just tried to kill you?" I smirk, a chuckle falling from my lips.

"She didn't try to kill me." She mumbled, so quiet it was almost inaudible.

She's clearly mad that her so-called plan has backfired.

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