| Just A Trial Run

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Summary: Potter in his living room was a novelty and Draco could not take his eyes off him. He fixed both of them a drink, handed Potter his Firewhisky, then sat on the sofa. "From Saviour to Auror to whore," he said. Potter choked on his drink. "Tell me, Potter, how does that happen?" In which Harry wants to get into sex work and Draco would prefer to keep him for himself.

Ship: DracoMalfoyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to tenthousandyears on Ao3


Although Pansy had been running her sex agency for a while now, Draco had yet to sample its offering. He had been invited to do so a few times, of course – Pansy had been quite insistent in the beginning. However, she had soon given up when Draco hadn't shown any particular interest in it.

It wasn't that Draco was against it, in principle. He had no opinion on sex work, as long as people knew what they were getting themselves into. And it wasn't like he was above paying for sex either, should the itch arise: he was a Malfoy, and had no qualms about using money to get what he wanted.

It was just that what he wanted from a sexual encounter could not be offered by those kinds of transactions, and so Draco had always brushed them off. Pansy seemed to have accepted this with good grace.

It was with some surprise, then, that Draco's eyes scanned Pansy's letter that morning.

"Draco, darling," it said, "I think I've found the perfect person for you to give my agency a go. I know how you feel about this, but I can guarantee you that it's not what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Besides, I don't think this man should be in this line of work at all considering how much he... let's say... leans towards how you like them. I doubt it's safe or healthy for him to do it or for me to take him on. He won't hear reason, however, and I don't want any trouble, so I thought I'd just send him to you for a trial run. Please, say yes? You'd be doing me a favour and you won't have to pay. Best, Pansy."

"What do you mean?" Draco wrote back. Pansy's letter made no sense.

"I mean it's on the house," Pansy's reply came back quickly. "The idiot thinks he gets off being used and won't take no for an answer. We agreed on a trial and I thought you should take care of it. Trust me, you'll enjoy it. You can thank me later."

Well, Draco was intrigued. That did seem to be how he liked them. And, from what he could understand from Pansy's letter, this man seemed eager, which ticked another box too.

He could understand why Pansy might not want to hire him. What he could not understand was why she didn't just send him on his merry way. But then, that was Pansy.

"Fine," he wrote back. "But I'm paying."

"Whatever you want, darling," Pansy shot back. "I'll send him at 7 pm."


The last person Draco expected to find on his doorstep at 7 pm was Harry bloody Potter. Potter seemed aghast as well. Draco considered for a moment that it might just be a coincidence when Potter snorted and said, "Fucking Pansy."

"Indeed," Draco said. They stared at each other.

"Want to leave?" Draco asked.

Potter licked his lips, hesitating. "Would you like me to leave?"

Draco let his eyes roam over Potter's body and heard his breath hitch. He opened his front door wide.

"Come in," he said. "We can discuss whatever nonsense this is inside."

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