| His Omega; His Alpha PT. 2

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Summary, Ships and writer are the same as the previous chapter


The forest that surrounded Fenrir's pack was amazing. It was filled of fauna and Mother natures' gifts for potioneers. The cubs all had a few caves to differentiate the usage. Four caves were for sleeping quarters of respective genders, Female, Male, Alpha and Omega. Another cave with a nicely carved wooden table was the dining hall which consisted of soft matting for those who prefer eating in wolf form or wooden stools for those who prefer their human form. There's the paddock which is mostly for training, playtime ad teaching. They owned a special cave with a stone door for omegas' in heat and a stream for water supplies.

Severus stumbled slightly after side-along apparating with the elder male and gaped when he managed to catch his elbow. He managed to straighten up swiftly and take in the sight of the pack, a few cubs and young teens all scattered around. His omega cooed at this and Severus could feel the urge to protect and care for those younger kids.

Fenrir must've noticed his slight change and smiled warmly at it. "Welcome to the pack, Severus," he said before lifting his head to eye his cubs. "Everyone! Gather around!"

His loud voice echoed across the field and many muzzles turned to their pack Alpha before grins broke out. "FENRIR'S BACK!" Many cried while launching themselves at him. Severus stepped back while letting the elder man get buried by his cubs and watched in amazement as Fenrir broke out into a smile.

"Cubs! You're all heavy! Get off!" He barked out laughing while trying to push back. "Lilith! Did you groom yourself yet? Malcolm, you're all bloody! Did you grow taller, Salma?"

"Yes, Alpha!" They all chorused in unison, bringing a smile to Severus' stoic face. Suddenly, all eyes were on him and the Potion Master stepped back at the inspecting glares. "Who's this, Alpha?"

A single young teen stepped forward and bravely sniffed him. Severus froze at the actions while feeling his cheeks flare up awkwardly. To his dismay, the kid seemed unnerved and grinned. "HE'S AN OMEGA! ALPHA BROKE BACK A MOM!"

"A MOM!!" They all cheered and began piling up on Severus instead.

Severus never thought he would be in any kind of mess like this. To be surrounded by kids and accepted just for his scent was a weird turn of events. But he couldn't help but smile at the arm churning in his gut. He loved these kids and his Omega preened to groom and raise them.

Eventually, the questions began to be thrown on...

"Will you stay with us?" "You're marrying, Alpha, right?" "Pick me up, Mama!" "Mama, I'm thirsty!" "Mama, are you pregaganat?" "It's pregnant, Miles!" "Are you?" "Will you play with us?"

"Alright kids, back up!" Fenrir ordered loudly, sending his cubs tumbling off and crawling onto their knees while lowering their heads in a sign of submission. Severus blinked at the urge to do the same but slowly stood up instead with a wary smile. "Wait for a second and let Severus introduce himself."

When he had everyone's attention, he shyly lifted a hand and said, "My name is Severus Snape and apparently I'm an Omega..."

Silence filled the place before chaos broke out while a few cubs passed around knuts, galleons and sickles. A few grunted in frustration while others grinned in amusement. Severus raised a brow at Fenrir who managed to grin back mischievously. After letting his cubs finish their betting exchange, he gave a nonthreatening growl.

"Did you all bet on me, cub?" He questioned openly, sending the kids a shiver of fear.

And when they realised their Alpha was about to pounce, they scattered to avoid his wiggling fingers of ticklish death. Severus could only chuckle at the sight of the infamous Fenrir Greyback acting as a caring father...

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