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Summary: Draco goes to watch a dance competition at a club while on the search for a missing Harry.

Ship: DracoMalfoyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Cyndassa [archived by ISF_Archivist] on Ao3


"You wanted to see me, Minister?"

"Ah, Draco. Yes, please. Please," Arthur Weasley gestured to a squishy seat, "Make yourself comfortable."

Draco Malfoy lowered himself into the chair with all the grace that only an infinite amount of breeding could produce.

"I suppose you're wondering why I called you here."

"Let me guess. This has something to do with Potter's mysterious leaving and you want me to find him?"

"Got it in one. So can you help?"

Draco steepled his fingers and leveled a look at the older wizard. "Yes. The question you should be asking me are will I and the question you should be answering is what do I get out of it?"

Arthur met the cool silver stare. "Well, how about the publicity as being the one who found him when no one else could? Or the large payment that I'm sure the ministry would dearly love to give you for returning one of our favorite boys?" "Money means nothing to me, Mr. Weasely, you know that."

Arthur nodded to the younger man. "Well then I suppose it all comes down to pride. You and Harry are the two best aurors that we've had in a long time. Although I can see why you might be hesitant in looking for him. No one else could find him, so it would be understandable if you couldn't either. After all, he does know all the auror tricks for finding people, so would know how to counter them and -"

"I'll do it."

Arthur hid his little smirk. When all else failed, start throwing low blows.

At the elder's silence, Draco continued. "I'm guessing that you've got some kind of information for me to go off of? It's a large world after all, and he could be anywhere."

"Yes actually. As you know, we work with the major world powers and if one needs another, well, we're always there to help. The United States has given us some information that they seem to think would be useful. At our request, they haven't acted upon it yet, but would be willing to with the proper authorization. I decided to hold off on that until one of our boys could check him out first. We don't know why he left, and if he's running from something, then Merlin help anyone who backs him into a corner."

Draco nodded. "Okay, fine. So where am I going. Please say it's some place like New York or Chicago and not some backwater little Hell Hole."

"I suppose that depends on your definition of 'Hell Hole'. Information points to Dallas, Texas."

"Yee... haw..."


So here he was, two days later in a posh hotel room, just waiting for the howler to arrive. Draco picked up his notes from the day before and grimaced. "Hmph. 'Sighted location: Coffee Shop' my arse. As if Potter would lower himself to the level of waiting on people for a few meager pounds an hour."

Harry hadn't been working at the coffee shop that the American intelligence had pointed to. Draco couldn't be too mad about that. Arthur had told him that the government hadn't given it too much time for an actual investigation, what with their own problems and all. And the man-boy behind the counter had had a striking resemblance to his target. It had only taken a few minutes of flirting on Draco's part to realize that the supposed Harry actually didn't have green eyes. The idiot had rubbed his eye and dislodged his contact lens, displaying his actual blue coloration. Draco had left after that and gone to his hotel room to send the report on his findings. No doubt Arthur was throwing a hissy fit that he hadn't found him. Then he looked at his clock and realized that he wouldn't be getting said howler until he got back to England. Crossing the date line and adding the required hours meant that it was Saturday in England and everyone and their hippogryph knew that Arthur went home on the weekends and couldn't be reached. Draco mentally sent up a small thanks to whatever deity liked him. Well, at least he could have a little fun while he was here.

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