Up In Our Business, Baby!

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Summary: Evan gets unreasonably pissed when Barty hooks up with someone else and makes it his personal mission to be better in any possible way than said hook up. little did he know he had already succeed before he even started.

Ship: EvanRosierxBartyCrouchJr

All credit goes to ANYANGEL on Ao3


they are at the bar again. at least, evan is. he's been looking for barty for a whole ten minutes now. the older has disappeared and evan hasn't been able to find him between all the people on the dance floor. he doesn't remember anymore when exactly barty had disappeared. they had been hanging out with dorcas and marlene and evan had been talking to the girlfriends for a quite a moment, he doesn't even know what about anymore, when barty was just gone.

evan spots regulus standing besides sirius and peter and he decides that maybe it would be worth a try to ask if anyone had seen barty. he walks up to the others a little unsteadily. "have you seen barty?", he then asks. peter shrugs and regulus frowns. "i thought he'd be with you??", he asks but evan only shakes his head. "well he was, but then he just disappeared and i have no idea where he's gone off to", he mumbles with a sigh.

"barty?", remus chides in from the other side, "i'm pretty sure i saw him leave with some guy some time ago", he explains.

oh. oh.

evan feels his heart sink and suddenly he feels so miserable about all of this. "yeah okay, thanks", he replies. he briefly notices regulus looking at him very worriedly, but he decides to go anyway. he's not in the mood for a lecture from regulus about why he should stop hooking up with barty all along, because this is only getting him hurt anyway. evan does not care. if he did, he would have stopped sleeping with his best friend a long while ago.

he leaves his friends to go find the backyard. he leans against the doorframe, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. the noises from the bar are a lot fainter now and evan is left alone with his thoughts.

the thing about their arangement is, that it's not exclusive. evan could go and find anyone to hook up with right now and it would be totally fine. he just doesn't want to. he hasn't slept with anyone other than barty more than two months now. he doesn't want to sleep with anyone who's not barty. the older is enough for him, besides, as it seemed during his last hookups with other people, no one can do it right except for barty anyway.

but just because evan doesn't sleep with other people anymore, doesn't mean that barty also stopped hooking up with other strangers. in fact, that's exactly what he is doing right now. evan doesn't want to think about it. it should be all fine, but unfortunately he cares.

he cannot deny that he's jealous too. it's not just the fact, that it hurts to know, that barty is with someone else right in this moment. but it's also the fact that evan feels burning hot envy wash through him. he wants barty to himself. he wants his kisses, his sex, his care, touch to himself. no sharing with someone else. especially not a random dude barty picked up at this bar. someone who doesn't even know how to appreciate him properly. and he absolutely hates the idea of barty screwing anyone that isn't him.

evan is convinced that he can be better than whatever barty's hook up is doing right now too. he knows what barty likes, all the dirty tiny details. he finishes his cigarette before deciding to go home. he says bye to his friends and ignores regulus who tries to stop him to have a conversation that is destined to be the lecture about barty he doesn't want to hear right now.

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