Hogwarts' Dearest Professor

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Summary: Sirius floos into Remus's office, feeling all hot and bothered during their work hours. Quickie shenanigans happen.

Ship: SiriusBlackxRemusLupin

All credit goes to Anonymous on Ao3


The floo flashes green. Dishevelled Sirius steps through in the next moment, soot clinging to his clothes.

"Hi there," he greets nonchalantly as if he belongs in Remus's office at 12:20 pm on a Tuesday. Which he doesn't.

Remus drags his eyes from the paper he is grading and looks at his boyfriend with an unimpressed stare.

"What are you doing here."

He phrases it as an accusation, not a question.

"Warm welcome from my dearest. I can always count on you," Sirius smirks, unbothered in the slightest by Remus's measured behaviour.

"Sirius, you are working today," he reminds him, rolling his eyes. "And if you haven't noticed, I am too."

"I don't see any students," Sirius objects, looking around the small office.

"Stay here for another fifteen minutes and you will," Remus replies, focusing on his paper again.

"I'll have you know that I took a short break. And all I'm hearing is we have fifteen minutes," he teases. Remus simply grunts in response.

"Aww, come on, darling," in a flash, Sirius is by his side, touching his shoulders, tipping his head up, whispering in his ear. "I missed you."

Goosebumps run up and down Remus's spine. The quill falls from his fingers, spilling ink.


"Here, Remy..." Sirius continues, not allowing him to interject. He nibbles on his earlobe, wet tongue licking the hot flesh.

Remus's hand is suddenly on Sirius's crotch, touching the hard cock underneath his pants. Sirius guided him there, pressing urgently.

"You feel it? I've been hard since this morning. So hard for you. The sight of your sleeping face was just too cute," he confesses, still focusing on Remus's ear.

"That's all it takes for you?" he replies, the scowl fading from his expression.

"Oh? You know it takes little. If somebody mentions your name, it's enough to make me yearn for you," he confesses.

Remus frowns.

"I don't want you to be excited in the presence of others," he mumbles unhappily.

"Why do you think I'm here? My horny self is reserved just for you to handle."

Blush stains his cheeks when Sirius pulls back, making eye contact.

"So? Will I persuade you for a quickie in your office, Professor?"

He considers it. Truthfully, he'd been considering it since Sirius stepped through with his ruffled hair, dressed in his Ministry official uniform.

"Someone might come," he remarks, the last threads of rational thinking taking hold of him.

Sirius waves his hand, and there's a sound of a lock clicking. "Now, only the two of us will come," he deadpans with a smirk.

"Someone might overhear," Remus objects again, ignoring the playful comment. However, his resolve is crumbling. One by one, Sirius cuts off his objections, sending him down a spiral of hunger and desire. Because Remus wants this.

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