| Just A Trial Run PT. 2

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Summary, Ships and writer are the same as the previous chapter


Draco crowded in on Potter and pressed him back against the wall, mouthing down his neck.

It had been three months since their first encounter in Draco's living room, and navigating Potter's wants had been a pleasure Draco had not foreseen being allowed to him. Having him come back every night after work just to be fucked senseless by Draco was also unthinkable. Draco was ready for the moment Potter would stop coming back – yet come back he did.

"Draco," Potter gasped – and Draco revelled in it, in his name being gasped like that. He still leaned in and said "Potter" though, because it never failed to make Potter shudder. Draco wanted him to. He wanted to make him melt. He kissed his way up to Potter's lips.

"Shall I just give it to you?" he murmured. "Or shall I make you gag for it first?"


Draco mouthed at the juncture of Potter's throat, and when he rolled his hips, Potter's knees buckled.

Draco smiled and kissed Potter's jaw. He pressed the length of his body against Potter's, holding him up, and slid a hand over the nape of his neck, caressing the delicate skin there.

"Such a sweet thing, Potter," he said against his lips. He pressed a soft kiss on them, a second one. "You're going to do anything I tell you, is that right?"

Potter's breath was shaky. "Y-Yeah. You know I am."

Draco licked into Potter's mouth. "You want to please me, is it?"

Potter whined and said, "I do."

Draco pressed another kiss to Potter's lips, to the corner of his mouth, his cheek. Potter's skin was on fire.

"I want you to touch yourself. Will you do it for me? Will you let me watch?" He nuzzled Potter's jaw.

Potter swallowed. He worked his trousers open with trembling hands, took his cock out and stroked himself slowly, turning his head to chase Draco's lips. His breath was shaky against them, his eyes closed.

"Like that," Draco breathed out, resting a possessive hand on Potter's stomach, feeling his muscles clench under his fingers. He kissed Potter's throat, sucking small marks all over it. "Keep going. You're doing so well."

Potter whined and tilted his head to the side to give Draco more access. His button-down shirt was open and loose on his shoulders, his trousers half-way down his legs. His skin looked soft and flushed in the light of the fire.

"Look at you. So indecent. So hot for me, Potter." Potter's breath hitched. "Keep going."

Potter leaned in to kiss him again, desperately. Draco let him. He cradled Potter's face and threaded his fingers through Potter's unruly hair.

"Does it make you hot? To be so obedient for me?"

Potter mewled and nodded.

"I think I should reward you. I always reward you when you are so good, don't I?"


"Mmmh." Draco brushed Potter's hair away from his forehead. He kissed his lips. "What shall it be, then?"

Potter shut his eyes, breath ragged, his hand moving over his own erection, and Draco kissed his bottom lip, sucking it softly into his mouth. He leaned close to breathe in Potter's ear. "I think I'm going to lick your cock until you are a whimpering mess, Potter."

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