| His Omega; His Alpha

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Summary: Severus finds an injured werewolf in the Forbidden Forest and saving the creature will change his life forever...or Severus Snape being a flustered cute Omega, Fenrir being a possessive loving Alpha, Tom fascinated of the magical World and giving no shit for his underlings and Lucius being the big bro who just wants Sev to live a happy life

Ships: GreybackxSeverusSnape, LuciusxNarcissa, AbraxisxTomRiddle

All credit goes to Zenzen_Hana on Ao3


Severus Snape stared at the wolf he discovered in the Forbidden Forest. It was crouched down, bleeding from various injuries, and was whimpering at the blood loss. Severus wavered slightly insight of the beast and weighed his options. Ever since his 5th Year, Severus had feared werewolves. But he was a creature lover, especially for those that would contribute for Potion ingredients. Werewolf claw shreds or fangs were included in a few rare tonic, so they were apart of his list of 'Never Harm if Possible' Creature list. He longed to approach the animal and give any healing he could offer after learning the basics from his Potion Masters.

Eventually, he caved as he heard the wolfs' lagging pants and knelled down and slowly approached him. He had his palms outstretched in a surrender gesture to prove he meant no harm. The animal stared at him through his silver eyes and Severus could see the teary look of pain and suffering. 'He doesn't have much time left,' Severus concluded wile quickly rummaging through his bag for any items.

He found some pain-relieving potions and continued his approach on the beast. Only after the wolf pressed his wet muzzle into his palm, did Severus closed the gap and gently cupped the canines jaw.

"Open up, please," he whispered softly after uncorking the vial.

The wolf seemed to consider it before opening his jaw and letting the Potion Master pour the contents. Severus watched the animal settle in relief and sighed before turning to his injuries. He nibbled his bottom lip while thinking of any medical approach. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice the wolf eyeing him in curiosity.

Finally, Severus questioned, "I know you're a werewolf and not a wolf but staying in this form not on a full moon means you must be a Pack Alpha... So I'm not sure if I can ask you to change into your human form..." When he caught the look of disbelief in the wolfs eye, he huffed. "Well, sorry for trying to be sophisticated, Mister Wolf..."

Severus turned back to his bag to check his belongings for anything to wrap up the injury. While his vision was adverted, the wolf finally decided to change back and groaned softly at the change. He felt his limps contract to his human arms and legs, he could feel his muzzle return to his normal sharp jawline and his fur shivered away to reveal his grey locks and facial hair. He waited for the young Potioneer to turn back to him before clearing his throat. Severus raised his eyes at the voice and immediately felt his jaw drop insight of the male.

He had seen posters of the man and heard of stories regarding his savagery acts around the Wizarding World. He gulped in fear while his eyes racked lower. 'Oh wow...' He thought while taking in the pale muscular frame of the werewolf and his scars. 'So cool...'

"For once, I don't even need to use Legilimency to know what you're thinking," grunted the elder with a cocky grin as the younger male blushed. "Can you heal me now?"

"S-Sure," spluttered the raven head while quickly transfiguring a stick into some trousers. "P-P-Please c-c-cover up!"

Fenrir lowered his eyes to his bare groin and his half-lidded eyes trailed back up to those onyx eyes and flushed pale nape. He licked his lip as he eyed a single drop of sweat trailing down his forehead and Fenrir chuckled darkly.

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