Wildest Dreams

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Summary: "I've never, uh, met a cowboy before." the longer haired spoke in a softness that confirmed the intimidation he had felt from the cowboy standing in front of him. The other smirked down at the smaller man. raising his finger to his leather hat, taking it off his head, setting the accessory to his chest and holding it there as he bowed down. "Pleased to meet you, Sirius. My name's Remus."

Ship: SiriusBlackxRemusLupin

All credit goes to Silverscreenlipstick on Ao3


Sirius Black had never been to Texas before. His entire life stuck in Chicago, on the rather cold sides of the country – the city.

He'd been so used to taking public transport to the point where he had probably misremembered how to drive.

But his fiancée was keen on him driving.

For the family, later. When they're married, and she's pregnant, and they might live at the countryside – either way, a good family car would be necessity.

Something big maybe, so their kids could all fit in.

Maybe they'll just get a camper then, if they'll stay in the city.

Luckily, his lack of driving skills was useless in the given moment, because his friend and work colleague, James, had offered to drive them down to Texas for their shared work trip.

Sirius sat at the passenger seat, chewing cherry flavored gum, long black streaks of hair breezing through the open window.

They had only been driving 3 hours out of the remaining 14, and Sirius already felt like dying.

The weather out of the window was getting hotter, his eyes growing tired. Although James had repeatedly insisted " It's fine, if you sleep. I'll get us through the drive." Sirius didn't want to seem rude and let his friend drive in silence.

It was harder to keep his eyes from fluttering closed as the sun ran down to sea and the moon was risen awake. Without noticing, Sirius blinked his eyes open when the sun was waking up along him, noticing the emerald green sign, Houston, Texas.

His entire body shot up as if electrocuted, which led into James nearly crashing into another sign.

"I'm sorry!" Sirius quickly apologized, the domino scaring making his heartbeat rush. "I just didn't know that we're in Texas already."

"Oh, yeah" James yawned, grinning as dopily as always. "I didn't want to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully." James held his left hand firmly onto the steering wheel, so his right one could go and pinch Sirius's cheek, who cringed at the gesture.

Another yawn followed out of James's mouth, and another one, and they were beginning to become severly annoying and deafening for Sirius to hear.

"You know I could've just taken over anytime." Sirius suggested after James let out another obnoxious yawn.

But James shook his head. "God, no," he began with a laugh. "The wife, she told me you're in no good shape to drive."

Sirius groaned at the response. Sure, she had been right about it all, but he didn't forget to drive, for Christ's sake.

James laughed again, and again, holding his hand to his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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