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"Satakshi was in her room, curled up on her bed with a novel in her hands. She had been trying to lose herself in the story, using it as a distraction from thoughts of Darsh. The pages turned slowly as she attempted to focus on the words, but her mind kept drifting back to him. Suddenly, she read a line that described a husband and wife having a playful pillow fight. The vivid imagery triggered a flood of memories, and Satakshi found herself transported back to a time when she and Darsh were together. Satakshi smiled at the memory, but it was a fleeting moment of joy.

 "Her smile quickly faded as a tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek

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 "Her smile quickly faded as a tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek. She clutched the book to her chest and started crying, her sobs filled with a deep sense of longing and heartache. She buried her face in her pillow, letting the tears flow freely. The room around her seemed to close in, filled with the weight of her emotions and the memories of what once was. Each tear that fell was a testament to the love she still held for him."


"A few days later, Darsh was with Misti at a cafe. The cafe buzzed with activity as Darsh sat across from Misti, trying to distract himself from the turmoil within. He sipped his coffee, the bitter taste doing little to ease his restless thoughts. But before he could dwell on his inner turmoil for long, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. Mohit stormed into the cafe, his expression twisted with fury as he zeroed in on Darsh. Without a word, he charged towards him, his fist connecting with Darsh's face in a swift, brutal punch. The force of the blow knocked Darsh back in his chair, his hand instinctively reaching to his throbbing cheek."

Mohit: sharam toh ab tujhme bchi hi nhi na? tune satakshi pe cheat kia, or tujhe lgta h tu ab kisi ke bhi sth move on kr skta h.

Darsh: mohit tu insb se dur rh, tujhe kuch pta nhi h. or jo tu soch rha h vsa kuch nhi-

Mohit: apna ye jhut bcha ke rkh. tune satakshi ko hurt kia h, and I'll never forgive you for that. pr tujhe pta h kya? I'm glad you messed up. cause now, you've given me a chance to make things right and I'll do whatever it takes to win back Satakshi's love.

"Darsh's fists clenched at his sides, his own pain mixing with a surge of resentment towards Mohit. How dare he speak of winning Satakshi back as if she were some prize to be claimed? Darsh's heart pounded with a mix of anger and jealousy at the thought of Mohit pursuing Satakshi. Watching Mohit storm out left him with a whirlwind of emotions. The only person happy in this whole situation was Misti; she was pleased that finally, Satakshi wouldn't be a bother anymore as Mohit would be pursuing her now."


"Darsh stormed into his room, his heart racing with anger and frustration. He slammed the door shut behind him, the sound echoing through the empty hallway. Darsh sat alone in his room, the events of the day replaying in his mind like a relentless loop. The pain from Mohit's punch still lingered in his jaw, matching the ache in his heart. His knuckles throbbed from the force of his own rage as he had struck the wall, a futile attempt to dull the emotional turmoil within him. 

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