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"Morning light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow across the room where Satakshi stood, ready to depart."


"Darsh lingered by the doorway, his eyes fixed on her with a mixture of reluctance and tenderness

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"Darsh lingered by the doorway, his eyes fixed on her with a mixture of reluctance and tenderness. As she moved towards the door, he stepped forward, closing the gap between them in a single stride. Without a word, he enveloped her in a tight embrace, his arms encircling her waist. Satakshi felt the warmth of his embrace, the silent plea in his hold. She rested her head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat against her cheek. Neither spoke; words were unnecessary amidst the weight of emotions. Darsh's voice barely above a whisper. he murmured softly;"

Darsh: mt jao na.

"Satakshi felt her heart skip a beat at the intensity of his embrace. She placed a hand on his shoulder, gently trying to ease his grip."

Satakshi: bccha, I have to

"Darsh held on tighter, unwilling to let her go. He pleaded, his words tinged with desperation."

Darsh: Just a little longer.

"They stood there, locked in a moment of silent understanding. Satakshi knew Darsh was struggling to accept the inevitable distance between them. She wanted to stay, to savor every last moment with him. Finally, with great reluctance, she gently pulled away from his embrace. She met his gaze, seeing the unspoken words that passed between them. she promised, hoping her words would bring him comfort."

Satakshi: I'll come back.

"Darsh nodded, his eyes betraying the sorrow he felt. He released her slowly, watching as she picked up her bags and walked towards the door. With one last look over her shoulder, Satakshi stepped into the hallway, leaving Darsh standing alone in the room they had shared. As she walked away, the weight of Darsh's embrace lingered on her shoulders, a bittersweet reminder of the love they shared."


"The day was tinged with both melancholy and anticipation at the Bisht mansion as Satakshi prepared to depart for her parents' home. Abhi, watched with a heavy heart, knowing he would miss her presence around the house. Sensing his emotions, Satakshi approached him with a warm smile. and said softly;"

Satakshi: abhi, if you ever need anything or if you're feeling troubled, remember you can always come to me or give me a call.

"Abhi nodded, touched by her words. He pulled her into a heartfelt hug, conveying his unspoken gratitude and sadness at her imminent departure. Satakshi hugged him back affectionately before turning to Meenu and Rajiv. who were looking at her with warm smiles.  Meenu began, her voice gentle yet filled with maternal affection;"

Meenu: dhyaan rkhna sbka or apna bhi. or jldi aa jana akshu, tere bina ye pura ghr suna h.

"Satakshi smiled and nodded. Rajiv placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and  said warmly;"

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