Chapter 37

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Dinner went so much better than I imagined. Currently, we are still sitting at the table talking and joking around. I am grateful that they all are acting the same way as they do every time I have dinner with them. All of a sudden, the lights cut off, scaring me.

"Happy birthday to you..." I hear as I see someone walking into the dining room with a cake that has a lit up 1 and 6.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Caylee! Happy birthday to youuuuu!" I hear a few woos and see my moms tears running down her face as she leans the cake in my direction, so I can blow out the candles. Ugh I miss my dad. Oh how I miss his presence. But I know he wouldn't want me so upset.

"Woooooo!!!" Is all that can be heard and clapping after I blew the candles out. I give them all a weak smile as the lights go back on.

"We love you Caylee!" I heard Jojo scream out and it made me giggle.

As difficult as these last 24 hours have been, I am so grateful for this moment. A moment where no one is only paying attention to what happened, but just trying to keep me smiling. What my birthday should've been like. Not what it turned into.

After the cake was cut and I received the first slice, mom cut a piece for everyone else that wanted some. Everyone enjoyed it with jokes and laughter. I felt Jayden's hand on my thigh and it gave me chills, making me slightly shiver. He must have noticed because he has this smirk on his face, making me giggle as I shook my head.

After everyone was all done and decided to head back to their rooms, Jayden grabbed my hand and we walked back to his room. Once there he turned to me.

"You trust me right?" He asked with worry in his voice. I smile at him and nod.

"I'm going to put this over your eyes. I just have a simple surprise." I smile again and nod.

He places the ribbon over my eyes and ties it firmly but not too tight. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist to help guide me. I hear him open the door and feel him tug my wrist a bit, so I started to cautiously follow him. Suddenly he stops.

"You ready mi amor?" You can hear how nervous he was. I nodded but then wasn't sure if he was looking at me so I whispered a yes.

I felt him tugging at the back of my head where the ribbon was tied. I was nervous not knowing what to expect. I know I trust him but you can never just not be nervous with surprises. But I for sure wasn't expecting this.

Once my eyes cleared up from the blur of having the ribbon against them and me rubbing them a bit, my mouth dropped. There were rose petals formed into a walkway, leading to his bed. Balloons scattered all around the room. Candles lit in different areas and the lights dimmed. I didn't realize I was crying until I heard the panic in Jayden's voice.

"Oh my Goddess, amor. Was this too much? Did I screw up? Was it too so-" I shut him up with a kiss. How did I get so lucky? I honestly don't understand how I am so ok with his touch, after everything I have gone through. But I feel so safe with him. I can feel the love he holds for me. I know most of it is the mate bond, but I mean that's what the mate bond is supposed to do. He loves me and I know I'll always love him. So the night was definitely one to remember.

As reckless as the last 24 hours have been I needed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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