Chapter four

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As the time brought Anakin, Bella, Qui-gon, Jar Jar and R2-D2. To his home the sandstorm just started.
Bella covered her faces from the sand.
As Anakin opens the door, everyone came.
Bella sighs in relief as she was out of the sandstorm.
"Mom, I am home." Anakin called out. Bella looks around the home it was small, but cozy.
"Ahh, Dissen cozy." Jar Jar said.
As Anakin mom came in, and her eyes stared at us in confusion.
"Mom, these are my friends." Anakin explained.
"I'm Qui-gon Jinn." Qui-gon introduced himself.
"This is Bella, Jar Jar and our droid, R2-D2. Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter." Qui-gon explained.
Anakin mother smiles at what her son did.
Anakin then turned to Bella. "Hey Bella, do you want to see the droid that I am building." He asked.
Bella smiled and she said. "I would love to."
And she followed Anakin to his room.
"Here is C-3PO. Isn't he great. He's not finished yet." Anakin told Bella.

" Anakin told Bella

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"He wonderful." Bella said, looking at the droid.
"You really like him. He's a protocol droid to help mom. Watch." Anakin said as he turned him on.
C-3PO turned on but he said. "Oh, oh. Uh- Where is everybody."
"Whoops, Yeah." Anakin said as he fixes  C-3PO eyes.
"Oh, Hello. I am C-3PO,  human-cyborg relations. How might I serve you." C-3PO said as he can see.
"He's perfect." Bella told Anakin.
"Oh. Perfect." C-3PO said as he heard that.
"When the storm is over, I'll show you my racer. I'm building a Podracer." Anakin said.
"A Podracer." Bella said interested, that made Anakin nodded his head.
As C-3PO walks for the first time he went over to R2-D2.
"Oh, hello. I don't believe we have been introduced." C-3PO said.
R2-D2 let's out beeps.
"R2-D2. A pleasure to meet you. I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations." C-3PO told R2. And R2 let's out some Chrps and bleeps. "I beg your pardon but what do you mean naked." C-3PO asked. R2 let's out more chirps.
"My parts are showing? My goodness, oh." C-3PO said, both Anakin and Bella giggling.
Soon it was dinner time, as Anakin mother Shmi was telling everyone about slaves.

Soon it was dinner time, as Anakin mother Shmi was telling everyone about slaves

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"All slaves have a transmitter placed inside their bodies somewhere." Shmi said.
Bella was horrified at what she is hearing.
"I've been working on a scanner to try and locate mine." Anakin told everyone.
"Any attempt to escape." Shmi said, but Anakin intruppted her.
"And they blow you up Boom." Anakin said.
"How wude." Jar, Jar told Anakin.
"I can't belive there's still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic out law slavery." Bella asked.
"The Republic doesn't exist out here. We must surviveon our own." Shmi told Bella.
Jar Jar used his tongue to eat a fruit from. A bowl. And he gulps and said "Xcuse me."
"Has anybody ever seen a Podrace." Anakin asked everyone.
"They have Podraceing on Malastare very fast, very dangerous." Qui-gon said.
"I'm the only human who can do it." Anakin said. That made Bella laugh, Anakin was proud of that.
"You must have jedi reflexes if you race pod." Qui-gon said, as he grabs Jar Jar tongue as he was about to do it again.
"Don't do that Again." He told Jar Jar, as he let's go of Jar Jar tongue.
"Your a jedi knight, aren't you." Anakin asked Qui-gon.
Bella looks at Qui-gon.
"What makes you think that." Qui-gon asked Anakin.
"Your lightsaber." Anakin said.
And Shmi asked the Jedi. "Why are you here."
"We are on a important mission. And we need to get to Coruscantt right away." Qui-gon said.
"But our ship was damaged and we're stranded here until repair it." Bella said.
"I can help. I can fix anything. " Anakin told Bella.
"I believe you can." Qui-gon told Anakin.
"But first we must acquire the parts we need." Qui-gon informed.
"Wit no-nutten mula to trade." Jar Jar said looking at Anakin.
"But the Junck dealers must have a weakness."  Bella said.
"Gambling, that's everything here revolves around betting on those awful races." Shmi said.
"Podraceing. Greed can be powerful ally." Qui-gon said.
"Hey, I can enter the race tomorrow. I can use my Podracer." Anakin said.
"Anakin Watto won't let you race." Anakin told his mom.
"But we can us the Podracer and said it was ours, and Anakin can pilot it." Bella said her idea.
Qui-gon smiles at that.

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