Chapter five

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It was the day of the race and Bella was talking Anakin before he race.
"Hey Anakin, good luck in the race. But I know you will win." Bella told Anakin.
Anakin smiles at Bella and said.
"Thanks, Bells." Bella smiles at her nickname.
"Bella come." Qui-gon said, and Bella followed him to her were everyone is watching the race at.
Then Jubba the hut started announcing the race in his language, in Huttese.
"Welcome, Begin the race." He said.
"Is he nervous." Shmi asked Qui-gon.
"He's find." Qui-gon told the mother.
"You got this Ani." Bella yells happily.
The announcer then said. "Start your Engine."
Then the Jabba rang the gong and every podraceer went off.
Except for Anakin, the announcer said to the crowd. "Wait, little skywalker has stalled." The crowd started laughing, Bella glared at the two headed announcer and the crowd.
"Sleemos." She mutters. "Well it looks like Anakin is having engine trouble." The 2 head announcer said.
"Come on, Ani." Jar Jar yells out.
And Anakin took off, when his engine.
"Yayyy." Bella cheered.
"And there goes Skywalker. He will be hard-pressed to catch up with the leaders." The other head announcer.
Bella and the others watches on the hand help screen.

"Come on Ani you got this." Bella whispered. "Looks like a few Tusken raiders are camped out on the canyon dun turn." Head 2 announcer said,
Bella was sweat nervously for Anakin.
"And it looks like Skywalker is moving up in the field." Head 1 announcer said, Bella smiles as she watches Anakin.
Head 2 announcer said. "Ani." Bella said in concerned.
But she smiles as Anakin as he was okay.
And it was the final lap, and Bella was cheering as he was catching up with
"At the Final lap, Sebulba in the lead, followed by Skywalker." 1 head announcer said.
"You can win this Ani." Bella cheered. Qui-gon smiles at the young princess, he can see the bond between Bella and Anakin. " Skywalkers been forced onto the service ramp." 2 Head announcer said. Bella was worried again. But she smiles watches Anakin using a ramp and went up in the air.
He quickly nose dived and went back on the ground, passing Sebulba, right know Anakin is in the lead.
Sebulba was surprised at this, he tried to stop Anakin from winning.
But he crashed and his Podracer went down to the sandy ground. Sebulba was angry that he lost, and he said. "Poodoo."
Anakin races across the finish line,
Bella cheered and so did the crowd, Bella raced down torwards Anakin as lot of people surrounded. "Yay, Ani." Jar Jar cheered. Qui-gon puts Anakin on his shoulders.

 Qui-gon puts Anakin on his shoulders

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"You did Anakin." Bella cheered for him.
Anakin smiles at her and said.
"Mom, Bella I did it." Anakin said with a biggest smile on his face. His face and hair may be dirty, but he doesn't care.

Inside to the hanger everyone was happy for Anakin win.
"Good going, Ani." Jar Jar said, with a big smile on his face.
Bella gives Anakin a big hug and said. "You were great Anakin. I know you will win" Anakin blushes as she was hugging him.
And she let's go, so Shmi can kneeled down to her son and give him kisses. And told her son. "It's so wonderful, Ani. You have brought hope to those who have none. I'm very proud off you." And Shmi kisses her Son cheek.

Bella smiles at Shmi and Anakin, Mother and Son bond

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Bella smiles at Shmi and Anakin, Mother and Son bond.

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