Chapter 51-55

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  Chapter 051

  Yuan Qin's face turned extremely ugly as Yuan Tang hit her sore spot.

  Before she finished, Yuan Tang tilted his head and looked at her: "Let me guess... your family asked you and Yuan Liu to drop out of school, right? Judging from you, Yuan Liu should not have dropped out of school yet, so you came down first."

  Yuan Qin's anger was aroused to the highest point by Yuan Tang. She looked at her elder sister with hatred and said, "You don't have to laugh at me. I am upright and I am willing to drop out of school. Who is as selfish and cold-blooded as you? Do you know that something big happened at home? Mom almost took medicine!"

  Seeing Yuan Tang indifferent, Yuan Qin felt nervous. She stopped Yuan Tang just to vent her anger, thinking that Yuan Tang was suffering and feeling guilty under her accusations, but now it seems that Yuan Tang really has no feelings for his family at all.

  "Don't you want to ask about how things are going at home? Do you know how many things have happened at home recently?" Yuan Qin bit her lower lip, still not giving up.

  Yuan Tang looked at his sister who looked fierce but was actually weak, and said calmly, "What is there to ask?"

  Just look at Yuan Qin dropping out of school and you will know that Zhao Huandi will be fine, and the Yuan family will be fine too. In the previous life, I supported my family, and now that I am gone, Zhao Huandi still has Yuan Qin and Yuan Liu to support her.

  As long as Yuandong drops out of school, it means that he is not at the end of his rope.

  Yuan Qin acted as if she was occupying the moral high ground and tried to tease her by asking her, but she refused.

  "Do you have anything else to do? If not, please get out of the way. I have to go back to school."

  Yuan Qin didn't get the response she wanted, and she was unwilling to give up, so she said loudly: "People like you only care about your own studies and don't care about your family at all. Even if you read a cart full of books, you will still be a selfish villain in the future, and no one will respect you."

  Hearing Yuan Qin's words, Yuan Tang burst out laughing and turned her head away. She curved her eyebrows and smiled, "Okay, okay, I will go to college in the future, make a lot of money, and then hug my money and education, bear your accusations, and suffer other people's contempt. By then, you will wear rags and become a great contributor to the family."

  For the first time in her life, Yuan Qin witnessed her elder sister's hermaphroditic skills. She was so angry that her head was filled with blood, and she cursed Yuan Tang for being selfish and mean behind her back.

  Yuan Tang left with a smile, without even looking at her.

  Not far out of the alley, Yuan Tang suddenly remembered that he hadn't bought a few seasonings yet. When he was about to turn around to buy them, he met the face of the person behind him.

  Shi Yun was holding a basketball, standing behind a tree. He seemed to have not expected Yuan Tang to turn around suddenly. He was stunned at first, and then looked embarrassed and at a loss.

  "Student Yuantang..."

  Yuan Tang knew at a glance that the other party had listened in the corner. Although she didn't know how much he had heard, she still frowned and said, "Student Shi, eavesdropping is not a good habit."

  Shi Yun tried to explain in a panic: "No, I just happened to pass by and didn't hear much..."

  He was playing basketball and passed by, and when he saw Yuan Tang, he was about to say hello, but he happened to run into Yuan Qin. In a hurry, he hid at the entrance of the alley. Who knew that the little girl was actually Yuan Tang's sister?

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