Chapter 66-70

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  Chapter 066

  Zhou Hongxia tricked her husband into signing a letter of guarantee, which she wrapped in several layers, wrapped in an earth-colored cloth, and placed in a place where her husband would never find it.

  Zhou Hongxia regards this letter of guarantee as the ballast of her marriage.

  If the husband honestly changes his ways, the letter will be kept safe. If he causes trouble again one day, this stone will be the heavy object that breaks their marriage.

  Yuan Tang didn't know that he had unintentionally helped Zhou Hongxia a lot.

  In the following days, she stayed in the provincial capital, wandering around the city seemingly without any purpose.

  From last year to now, her savings finally broke through 10,000 yuan again, reaching 15,000 yuan. Because of the skyrocketing savings, Yuantang had the idea of ​​buying a house again.

  She asked around in the provincial capital, and found out that there were two buildings in the provincial capital that were selling houses this year, saying that they had property rights certificates. But when Yuantang went to ask, the other party said that having a property right certificate did not mean that one could definitely settle down.

  "If you have a city hukou, you can transfer from another place. But if you have a rural hukou, it's not possible. This is not a systematic thing."

  Yuantang could only give up the idea of ​​buying a house in the provincial capital again.

  She returned to the guesthouse and visited Zhou Hongxia's stall before leaving.

  Zhou Hongxia had changed her previous decadence. She directed a man and a woman to receive the goods and put them on display. Her loud voice could be heard from far away.

  Yuan Tang was a little surprised. Zhou Hongxia had never hired many people before. Yuan Tang guessed that she was afraid that her sources of goods and customers would be poached. She was also frugal.

  At that time, few small business owners were not careful with their budgets, and most were couples working together. Only a few people like her could afford to hire someone to look after the store, and most people were reluctant to spend the money to hire someone, and would rather suffer a little more and work harder.

  Zhou Hongxia waved her hand: "I've wanted to invite you for a long time."

  It was at that time that the man tried to stop them, saying that the elderly on both sides were free and could just come over to help.

  But later, her parents were exhausted, and the old couple on her husband's side had backaches whenever they came to the city. The shop either hesitated or secretly put the things in their own pockets.

  Later, Zhou Hongxia simply didn't let them come to the store, thinking that she and her husband were both busy, so it would be okay to let the elderly do housework and pick up the children at home?

  But within a few days she was almost driven crazy.

  My parents-in-law always talk about their hometown and insist on going back. She doesn't do any housework at home. She only picks up the children when she says she will, and doesn't do the laundry or housework.

  After a busy day, Zhou Hongxia returns home and has to do more housework than usual.

  She asked her mother-in-law for help, and her mother-in-law would only do it when her husband came home.

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