Degraded and dissolved

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Animatic was on Acroi's bed, leaving red and blue splatter everywhere. Anna/animatic didnt remember his father, so he just curled up on it like it was his. Acroi walked home. on foot, no one else with him.

Animatic hid in Acroi's closet. Acroi came home, and laid on his bed, not noticing the goo left from animatic.


it started.

"A- anna...?" "AGH!" he yelled out in pain. the goo was starting to take effect. Acroi looked down at his arms.

they were becoming black, and his fingers merged together to make spherical hands. and his arms became thin, like twigs.

"ANNA!" [animatic came out of the closet] "im afraid anna isnt here to help! :] " Acroi groaned in pain, that wasnt even the worst of it.
here we go! 😋🥳

Acroi curled up beside his bed, a new part attaching to him, a mixer. he could feel something really bad was happening to his body. he winced in immense pain as his body changed shape. he coughed up blood, getting it on his new glass body, he was a beaker, and suddenly the blood he was coughing up was blue. dissolving everything in its path. his [🗿] became no more. Clumps of his blonde beautiful hair [HIS LUCIOUS LOCKS-] were falling into him. the beaker, turning into the blue stuff.

bad art warning!! wee woo.

he started seeing stars, so he rubbed his eyes, which were now beady black lines. his mouth couldnt escape either. his mouth had become a simple line. he also shrunk quite a bit. he went from 5''6' to 1''8'
"whats happened...?" he even had acids voice.

---------------heres the funnest part 🥳--------------

Acroid then started feeling memories of his daughter fade away,"NO! not anna..."

Acrid grabbed his liner, he tried remembering his daughter, but all he knew now was that he got 2 votes in object fool and could not join. "i am so... OFFENDED..." acrid yelled out in pain.

now... acroi was no more. acid simply took his place. "where... am i...?" acid shuttered. he looked up at animatic and riah. he gasped then hid around the corner.

.+[beverly➡️b-block next :D ]+.

Animatic battle tfs. [part 1, the light will guide you.]Where stories live. Discover now