light and water can make something special.

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[tw: mouth removal, pain, blood, decapitation, a sad moment [not that sad but its kinda.] ]
[fajjy is pronounced falgae, skueener is squeener]
Fajjy and Skueener were the bestest of friends, they did everything together. they would go to the beach together, go to each others house, they were besties for life. but... sometimes... a day can break a bond. but... not for them.


they were taking a walk one day, then, they found a dark and abandoned alley, but... there was lights coming from it, like there was a party going on, so they went to where they saw the light was coming from. that was not the best idea. they saw the lights, but... they flashed directly in their eyes, temporarily blinding them. blue and yellow lights flashed in fajjy's eyes, and a light green and yellow light flashed in skueener's. "what is... OW... " fajjy yelled.


fajjy looked down at his arms, and he yelled in pain, the bones in his arms and legs were being crushed, and being replaced with black arms and legs that looked like twigs. "whats wrong with yoAAAAAAAAAAH-" skueener yelped when he saw his arms and legs were recieving the same fate. they both were terrified for their lives, could this be the end of their friendship?? "SKUEENER- YOU NEED TO RUN AND TEMPPPH!" fajjy's mouth was then sealed up. "FAJJY! NO- PLEMPPPHHH-" the same thing happened to Skueener. now both of their mouths were sealed up, and they could not talk. Fajjy was the first to succumb to the transformation, as his head snapped off his body and his body changed shape, and his skin started to turn more plastic like, and new eyes appeared on him. he was a walking flashlight. "that... agh... wasnt so bad..." fajjy whimpered, it was very painful for him. he immediately took note of his new voice. also his [🗿] was 100% gone, so Fajjy was technically genderless now, but something inside told him that he was still a male. Skueener was next. "mrphhh... MRPH!" Skueener yelled, then, his head recieved the same treatment as fajjy's, it got snapped off of him. now Fajjy and skueener's head were just on the floor. Skueener's body was reformed into a shape of a yellow and green plastic water gun. they could finally speak again. Skueener's eyes were on the sides of the refill tank. "what... agh... do you mean...!? ow..." the same thing happened to Skueener too, as his [🗿] was now absolutely nothing, so he was genderless too, but something told him that he was still a male.
"agh... what...AAAAAGH!!!" they both screamed, their memories were the next to go.

======2 at once! this gon be interesting...========

flajj'y li whimpered as he saw his friend leave his memory. "SKUEENER! no..."
squeet g also saw fajjy leave his memories. "fajjy..."

while they still had some of their memories, fla'j;h lig and squert gu hugged. they hugged, hard. and they didnt let go. as flas 'j;h ligh scowered his mind for any more human memories, all he could think of was when him and squirt gun won the 2nd competition by staying in that hole. wow, they were smart. squirt gu also scowered his mind for any last humanity, yet all he could remember was when him and flas 'j;h light put those sticky notes with smiles on their faces, and flas 'j;h couldnt get his off. he said "sticky notes are tedious to remove." he still didnt understand how it came off so easily for him.

=====friends till the end.=========

"wait... where are we?" the newly made flas 'j;h light said. "i dont know, but look! the sticky note is gone!" squirt gun said happily. "wait, really?!" he felt his face, and felt no paper on it anymore. they high fived. "lets... never do that again." flas 'j;h said. "good idea." said squirt. and as they walked off to look for happy meatball, their friendship never faded away.

part 2 next! gonna try to do crazy food, nonagon, iced coffee, nebula void, sticky, and raid :D

note: wow. this is the most ive ever wrote. im proud. words: 666 😰

Animatic battle tfs. [part 1, the light will guide you.]Where stories live. Discover now