a bit cheezy...

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[tw! swearing, coughing up organs, screaming]

chris. a usual normal 19 year old teen. he is unemployed, he is just your average teen. Chris is always on his phone, he loves playing dancing line. his appearance was 5''5', blonde hair, and deep royal blue eyes, he was very well raised. but... one day can change everything.


as he walked down a deep dark abandoned alley, he noticed... an orange flashing glow, so he looked up. "Agh! what the fuck??" he got temporarily binded. but the worse was yet to come.


he was in complete confusion as to why his shirt was getting looser and looser on him. "the hell??" he suddenly started having a coughing fit, he was coughing up his organs, for godssake. he looked at his hand "WHAT THE [coughs up an organ] ACTUAL FUCK?!" his hand was now just a black fist. he looked at his other hand, and, yep. sure enough, it had suffered the same fate as his other one.
"is there any way this god forsaken day can get any worse?" as his bones crunched, he could also feel... something wrong with his own body as well.

"THE HELL??" CRACK. there went his neck. his face morphed into his torso, that was now... the shape of a... cheezit... he tried to grab his phone to call 911, but... "come on... please... pleAAAGGGGHHHHH!!"

===================bouta get good :O ======================

[911, emergency?] chrizi: PLEASE... HE... lp... [he hangs up]

chriez-i stumbled to walk, he was forgetting everything.

chiez-it started laughing uncontrollably, this was the new him. meanwhile, chris grasped for any more coherant memories, but it was no use.

now, instead of a human 19 yro chris, stood a 4''9' sentient cheez-it.

"WOW! i GOTTA go find the rest of MY TEAM!" he giggled and ran off to find more of his team members.
and with that, chris was just a forgotten memory.

                        so uhh yeah thats chris/cheez now ⬆️

next is Steph➡️Slop 😔 rip steph.

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