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[tw, blood/ketchup, crying, suicidal thoughts, just a silly lil tomato 🥳 oh uhhhhhhh ima just say theres sum that might make people uncomfortable..; small mention of tomater x sticky, in a friend way uhhh]

Tommie was a very easygoing girl. she loved working in her farm. her farm thrived with many plants, animals, you name it. that all changed one day. [i love TOMATER so this tf is gonna be very detailed. :P ]


tommie walked around at 8pm, looking for where she put her corn stacks, she had forgotten a flashlight. then, she found one, a red and green flashlight. she flashed it, where she thought was out. oops. she shined it in her eyes, and had gotten temporarily blinded. she ran to her house, not noticing anything different. that would change.

---------ITS TIME OH MY GODDD WOOOO--------

she turned on the light in the room with the full mirror, she had noticed something... different. her teeth. if she looked in the middle, there was a buck tooth she hadnt noticed. she also noticed a red substance on the ground, she couldnt tell if it was ketchup or blood, but it was definitely coming from her. then her hands started to feel the most pain they have ever felt. so did her legs. they were becoming... not exactly black, but a navy blue. she felt a LOT of pain. well... then THAT part happened. her [🗿] had become nothingness and she now was genderless, but something inside told her she was a MALE now. he looked at the mirror again, then the real pain started. [weird part, now. skip if u dont wanna see it.] he felt like someone was growing something in him, and his body... well... lets just say... got tomatofied. [ok its over :] ] his eyes had become big and round, and his pupils were small as he watched this happen to hisself. his hair had become a light green and was now in the form of a stem. Tommie finally spoke up. "woah, what is- what in the tater tot?!?"


his new voice sounded like he was from the country, and his buck tooth was really showing now. then, all of a sudden, he had a vomitting fit. his throwup looked like it had Tomato seeds in it. "should i have not used tha-AGH..."

-------NO TOMMIE IM SO SORRY 😰😔😨😭--------

Tomatie pulled at his teeth, then, he felt all cares for the farm slipping away. "NO! MY FARM!"

TOMatier could only think about death. he tried to block it out, but it kept getting stronger. "no. you dont want it. yes. i. do."

TOMATEr had lost his human senses completely, and all he wanted now was to kill himself. as he tried to grip onto the last human memory, it was quickly replaced with his team: Happy Meatbill. where was sticky when you needed her? she was really the only reason he hadnt killed himself already.

and with that, Tommie was forgotten, the farm was forgotten. only TOMATER and his want of death stood.
"where am i. i wanna go home." TOMATER said with a glum expression. and as he walked out of that house, he never looked back. his only need was to find his team/teammates/sticky.

next: reyna➡️rainbow assortment


my reaction fr after i just wrote all of that 😨 ⬆️

Animatic battle tfs. [part 1, the light will guide you.]Where stories live. Discover now