More than a Warning

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[tw: intense screaming, body deformation, intense weight loss in the torso area. oh yeah did i mention blood]

Danny was a cautious person, he always was. he looked left and right on a road, when there was no one else but him. he always looked around, cause something might happen to him. but that one day... he didnt turn around fast enough.


danny walked down an abandoned alleyway, but... something was off. he was shaking more than usual. then out of nowhere, he saw blinding lights that flashed red, grey, and white. danny tried to run away, but... something was changing about him.


Danny looked down at his hand and screeched, as his fingers were morphing together, into lil spheres. he screamed even louder as he found out that his arms/hands were turning black, and he kept doing that as he found out his whole body was flattening, his arms/legs were becoming skinny, and his bones were being crushed. he coughed up blood, the last bit of blood he had. his [🗿] had turned into nonexsisty. so, danny was basically genderless, but something in him told he was still a male.

Dannys body started to grow very thin, like, metal sheet thin, and he noticed his clothes didnt fit him anymore, so they just slid off of his slim metalic body.
art! [actually kinda decent this time]


Danny thought this was over, nope. it kept going. his red hair he had worked hard to achieve was falling out right in front of him. he, once again, screeched. but this time... it wasnt dannys voice, it was different. his head had formed into a triangle with rounded sides, that had a big black ! on it. Danny fell to his knees, his new uh spaghetti noodle knees. his breathing was extremely shaky, "please... save meeeAAAAAAAAAGH!"

-------fav part :D-----------------

Dan gn was shivering sitting there, grabbing his new metallic head, "this is all a dream, this is all a dream."

dannge ign had trouble remembering things from his human life. "no, NO, come on... chris... i cant lose you..."

Dange sign's memories were almost completely gone, being replaced with his team, MOST. god, he missed eggnog jr.

Danny was no longer a human in the world. only danger sign. Danger looked around and yelped. "What is this place?? oh yield, i gotta find my teammates."


next: Tommie➡️TOMATER 🥳🥳🥳😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕🗣️🔥🔥🍅🍅🍅🍅

note: i really hope whoever is reading this is enjoying it, i spent a long time so far :D

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