luck at the end of the rainbow...?

129 1 6

[tw: crying, body splitting into many parts, blood...?]

reyna always was very creative. she loved using her colored pencils for drawing. she was a very happy person all the time, even when it was raining, she would find ways to play outside in the rain. but... one day... it went too far.


she was outside with a clipboard, drawing a pic of the rainbow, when suddenly, a burst of rainbow colors from a flashlight blinded her, and she froze.

=======its time======

reyna couldnt move. she did see something... awful. she saw her body... change shape, morph into 10 different separate pieces, they all resembled pencils, colored pencils. blood was spilling out of her. she sobbed in pain, she couldnt scream tho. as the pencils got in rainbow order, her head was NOT spared. her head was morphing too. it was morphing into the wrapper for the pencils to be held together. her hands, legs and [🗿]? well the [🗿] is gone, but her arms and legs were becoming more wirey as time passed. soon, every piece of reyna was back together again. she was. NOT. the same.

=====reyna? mor like uhhh unmm i forgor 💀=====

reinba asso was trying to get used to her new body, when she suddenly felt alot of her creativity fade. "NO!" reinba asso yelled, not wanting to lose that.

rainboe assort really tried to keep her memories from fading, but it was no use. all the creativity she had was all dedicated for happy meatball. her team.

rainbow assortmen had 1 last hope to keep her creativity, but it flickered out. and just like that, no more reyna, but in her place stood rainbow assortment.

"wait... where am i...? wheres happy meatball?" she now had no time for creativity, she HAD to find her team.

yall. this aint it, next up is Chris ➡️ Cheez-it >:]

Animatic battle tfs. [part 1, the light will guide you.]Where stories live. Discover now