Hurting (Miles 42)

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This will be an x Reader, the Reader's name will be Glow for this on, u can request names you would like for x Reader stories along with the prompt. In this one, Miles comes back from Prowler duties, he went out to fight although he knew he was sick. You come in on him shaking and help him out.

(Miles pov)

I crawl through my window shaking. I knew I was sick but I didn't wanna look weak infront of unc Aaron so I just went out and did what had to be done.

I look at my leg which is being dragged to my bed. It had a huge gash and I was too weak to treat it.

I crawl In bed and wrap myself in my blanket, now I'm finding it hard to breathe and the gash on my leg hurts more than ever.

I lay there shaking as I can't do anything for myself. I have to figure out what I'm gonna do, I can't let Mami see me like this, I haven't even removed the Prowler suit.

(Glows pov)

Miles hasn't been answering his phone so I walk to his house, it's not to far from mine so I get there in less than 5.

Although he might have been out doing his Prowler work, he would've texted when he was done, and I already saw him on the news.

He should be back soon so I want to go wait for him.

I climb through his window and what I see breaks my heart.

Miles, is on his bed, wheezing and shaking, he's wrapped in a blanket and there's blood all over him.

"Miles!" I kneel down infront of him and hold his face. His eyes are slightly glazed over and he's sweating bullets.

"G-Glow?" Miles wheezes out.

"Yeah it's me, I'm right here baby" I say panicking.

"M' leg" he wheezes out again.

I look at his leg, the blanket around it, soaking in blood.

I carefully take it off, hearing winces of pain.

When I fully remove it I cover my mouth in disbelief. There is a huge gash on his leg, from the top of his thigh to right after his knee.

"Miles we need to take you to the hospital"

"N-no, I-I can't. Too much of a risk"

"Ok then let's go to your uncle's"

Miles nods weakly.

Don't ask me how they got there, they just did alr.

Aaron opens the door and his eyes widened.

"Miles!" He helps me take him.

"Glow what happened?"

I look at him with confusion "wasn't Miles with you? He was like this when I came to see him after a Prowler mission"

"Miles, why didn't you tell me man?" Aaron asked, looking down at Miles on his couch.

"I think he was already sick" I say, crouching infront of Miles and playing with his hair.

"Ah that's why he sounded so off during the mission" Aaron says.

"Is he gonna be ok?" I ask looking up at Aaron with tears threatening my eyes.

"He should be, Imma go get the first aid"

I look down at Miles and kiss his forehead. "You'll be ok Miles".

Ok... Hope y'all liked that one! Pls pls pls and pls request! Byeee :)

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