Why didn't you tell anyone?

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Miles goes on a mission by himself because it was an easygoing one but gets a head injury, but doesn't tell anyone until he passes out and starts bleeding again.... Margo helps him😁

Miles is on his mission and just finished taking down the anomaly.

"Alright Miguel, Imma head home" Miles said to Miguel over his ear piece.

"Ok kid, good job" Miguel says in his normal cold tone.

Miles swings away heading to a spot he could teleport to but somehow, his web was cut and he unexpected falls to the ground, and hits the concrete full force onto his back.

Ik he probably should be dead but.... Oh well he Spider man he can take it.

Coughing from the impact, Miles feels something warm trickling down the back of his head.

He feels for it and takes his hand back with blood on it.

"No, no no no" Miles quickly opened a portal, barely walking as he went through it to HQ, he went to his office/room and cleaned it up, but not as good as he thought.

He put on a black beany just incase it starts bleeding again and starts doing his report for the mission.

Miles starts to feel lightheaded but ignores it and thinks he's just tired.

He's still working on his report when he hears his door slide open.

Margo walks in with some lunch for him.

"Oh, hey Margo" Miles says in a cheery voice.

"Hey, I brought you lunch!" She reciprocates to his cheery voice.

Margo and Miles like each other but none has admitted it.

Margo can tell that something is wrong with Miles though, his back is a bit slouched like he is in pain and his eyes are slightly closed.

She sets the food on his desk and looks at him.

"What?" Miles questions not looking up from his work.

"You look.....not ok" Margo says, getting his attention.

But before he could say anything, he grabs his head in pain.

"Agh" Miles grunts holding the back of his head.

"What's wrong?!" Margo asked alarmed.

She rushes behind him to see and she sees a burgundy color on the black beany he's wearing.

"Miles, what is that?" She asked as she carefully takes off the beany, hearing winces of pain from Miles.

"I-I hit my-my head on the mission today, I treated it but I guess I'm not so-so good at it" Miles explains as he's almost on the verge of tears from the pain.

"Ok well let's take you to med bay" Margo says, ushering him up.

Miles nods and they walk out together.

Yayyy another chapter!!!!!

Miles Morales One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now