Stay Stong (Miles 42)

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Miles is somehow kidnapped and gets tortured until uncle Aaron comes and saves him. He tries to keep his tough face on but isn't very successful

Miles was walking home with earbuds in, he wasn't really focused on his surroundings so when someone came up behind him, he wasn't aware.

After a few seconds, Miles felt something hit his head very hard and then everything went black.

"Ugh" Miles groaned as he woke up, his head throbbing still.

When Miles got aware of his surroundings, he found that he was strapped to a table.

He was laying on his back and was tied down by metal cuffs.

"What the-" Struggling, Miles winces as he feels the chains getting tighter around his arms, chest, and legs.

"There's no point struggling you know, it will only get harder and harder to move."

Miles looks up to see a man in glasses with crazy black hair and a lab coat on.

"Who 'r you and what do you want wi' me?" Miles glares.

"I am a scientist that worked for the police force, your father was apart of the people and main instigator of my arrest and now, I will make you suffer"

"Dude I didn't ask for a backstory, I said who are you" Miles said annoyed.

"Try that tone with me again boy" he says as he shakes the table, making Miles choke a bit as the chains get tighter around him.

"Anyway, my name is John Krueger."

"Aight Imma call you Kreg" Miles says trying to stay strong. But in actual fact, he was pretty scared.

"Well. Let's get on with it then" Krueger says as he pulls out a syringe from his pocket.

"Great. Going right in with the poison huh?" Miles says sarcastically.

Krueger goes towards Miles and injects the syringe into his arm and Miles winces.

Miles suddenly starts to convulse and groan in pain as Krueger smirks.

"So that's what that does?"

Krueger leaves the room saying something about being done and will continue tomorrow.

Miles is still convulsing and shaking but soon slows down and pants in pain.

'gotta get outta here' Miles thought as he was getting weaker. Miles closes his eyes and falls asleep, hoping someone will come get him.

Meanwhile at the Morales home.

Rio was panicking, Miles had been gone for a while and didn't tell her anything.

She decided to call Aaron.

"Hello, Aaron is Miles with you? he's not home yet"

"Nah he ain't with me, he left like.... pro'lly 6-7 hours ago, he said we was heading home."

"Could you help me look for him? I don't know where he could be"

"Yeah, yeah I'll go out and look for him" Aaron tried to convince Rio.

Back with Miles.

Miles groaned as he woke up to Krueger looking at him maniacally.

His body was still weak and the chains were still tight around him.

"Great! You awake, now let's get started, we have alot to do and not much time to do it."

Miles just glared at him.

Krueger out of nowhere took out a knife and impaled Miles in the stomach.

"Aaaugh" Miles cried out. He looked down, his mouth open in shock and pain as he closed his eyes.

Krueger then started slashing Miles in the arms, ripping his clothes and staining them in blood.

Miles was gasping in pain as Krueger finally stopped and put the knife on the trey.

"We'll continue tomorrow"

Miles was still clenching his jaw in pain as tears fell from his eyes as the knife was still in his stomach, blood dripping from it.

Miles was reflecting, how taking a walk was how he got here, how he may never see his mom again, his uncle, his friends. Then he lost consciousness.

Aaron was still looking for Miles, when he remembered that all the Prowler items that are apart of the suit were made with trackers.

Miles and Aaron shared a watch that could be used for emergencies so Aaron tracked it. Soon he found the location of Miles and when he saw it was an abandoned building, he knew something was wrong.

Miles woke up to the same room he had been in, he was even weaker than before and he was still bleeding, just not as much. That can't be a good sighn.

Miles heard a door open and saw Krueger walk in. This time, Miles was genuinely scared.

"Well hello, I'm happy you're up, this should go on for a couple more days, until you die from something, weather it's blood loss, dehydration, suffocation or anything else."

Miles was growing more weary by the second. Then Krueger picked up teazer off the trey and brought it towards Miles.

Miles felt his breaths become heavy in fear and he struggled to breath and his eyes widened as Krueger brought the teazer up to Miles chest.

Aaron was in the building and was searching for Miles in his Prowler suit, trying not to make noise.

Then suddenly he heard a agonizing scream.


Aaron ran in the direction and found a room, he looked through the window. Miles was strapped to a table with chains around him and blood everywhere. There was a knife in his stomach and a crazy doctor looking guy was holding something up to his chest as Miles screamed and tears fell down his face.

Aaron felt his own tears trickle down his face as he watched his nephew in so much pain.

Aaron had had enough and burst through the door. He first kicked the crazy looking guy away from his nephew, then beat him silly until he was passed out.

Aaron went over to Miles. His head was dangling down and his body was twitching.

"U-uncle a-aaron?" Miles barely stuttered out.

"Yeah man it's me, Imma get you outta he alright?"


Miles was in the hospital and Aaron was waiting for Rio to get there.

"Aaron!" Rio ran to him.

"Where is he?" Rio asked panicking.

"He's inside, they're still checking him and mending his wounds, he'll be fine Rio don't worry." Aaron said trying his best to be comforting.

When they were let in to see Miles, his mom ran to him.

"Miles! Are you ok mi amore?" She said running her hand through his hair.

"I'm fine Mami" Miles said weakly.

Miles winces as his mom hugs him because of the wound still in his stomach.

Rio and Aaron stay with Miles for the month that he was in the hospital and Krueger was arrested.

Miles was happy, but he would never forget what had happened.

Oh wow that was long! 1108 Words! Pls request! See u later Royals!

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