Here for you

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This is a request from @itsleviOsab1ch! Pls pls request more ppl!

I'm not gonna bother with the description for this, if u want it just read this person's comment on 'its ok to cry'

Y/n came through the window and her phone buzzed. She removed her suit and checks, it's from Miles.

Miles: wanna work on that project together?

Y/n: yeah sure why not.

Miles: alr I'll come over either tomorrow or day after 

Night sunflower 

Y/n: Gn Miles

With that she puts her phone down and plops into bed. She stares up at the ceiling and soon enough she's out cold.


The next day is Saturday so y/n goes out for patrol and goes around the city.

She then stops at commotion and is amused at her fellow vigilante Spiderman fighting the Spot.

She laughs as he cracks jokes and taunts the Spot.

Suddenly as Spidey is swinging around, he gets caught in one of Spot’s portals. As he struggles to get out, Spot goes towards a bank and starts robbing it.

Y/n watches in anticipation as Spot rips open the top of the bank off its hinges and starts to get money.

But her heart skips a beat after spot opens a portal under a woman trying to stop him.

Y/n is now on her feet. She frantically looks around only to see the woman fall from very high up. She dives for the woman but is too late. 

Y/n winces at the sound of bones breaking and that splat that occurs when the woman hits the floor.

She goes over to check and it doesn't take long to realize… It's her mother.

After about five minutes standing there in shock, she turns.

She runs into the bank and hits the Spot with her katana.

She doesn't expect it to make any impact but she is surprised to see blood fall from his stomach.

Then in a rage, with tears in her eyes she just continues to hit him again and again and again. 

As she's hitting him though, she feels something pull her back.

She slashes at whatever it is until she realizes it's spider man.

She breaks down into his arms but he winces because she had slashed his arm. He still embraced her though.

She calms down a few minutes later and he takes her home.

Later on, Miles comes to see her after what happened and d/n lets him in.

“Hey Miles!” D/n  greeted.

“Oh hey Mr l/n , is y/n home” he asked.

“No but you can go up and wait for her, I trust you just don't do nothing”.

“Yes sir” Miles says nervously.

Miles goes up and sits on y/n’s bed. He looks around her room a bit until his eyes land on something on her counter.

A pill container.

He gets up and walks over to it slowly, when he reads in he’s taken aback.

They were anxiety pills. He sat back down at the edge of the bed, Miles never knew she was dealing with anxiety.

Just then Miles heard the window close. Y/n climbed  through and Miles looked up at her, he was about to say something but just then he heard her breathing heavy, she started pacing around the room muttering to herself.

Y/n had tears in her eyes as she started fathoming everything that happened today and what she had almost done to the Spot.

After a few seconds, she felt arms wrapp around her, she was startled but then noticed it was Miles.

They stayed like that for a while as Miles kept saying “it's ok, I'm here for you”


Miles Morales One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now