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The image shows one thousand circles.

It would be hard to imagine in your mind just one hundred circles one tenth of an inch in radius.

Say each of the thousand circles had a radius of one tenth of an inch then not even the smartest human being could imagine each one of a thousand of those circles in their mind.

Here is a way to check how much that you love God.

There are about 8 billion humans on Earth, that 8 times one thousand times one thousand times one thousand.

Now God created the universe, the part that we can see with a telescope is roughly 92 billion light years in diameter.

All of the universe is at least one thousand times bigger than that.

Christians are convinced that the 8billion humans on Earth should pray to God.

Try to image what that is like on Christ's end of the prays.

Here is the question, how many are praying to God across the universe?

A fair number might be a quintillion, that is one thousand times itself six times.

So, here is a check for your love of God.

Continue to pray to God but cutback on the prayers to God for things that you can make happen or things you realize you don't need.

As an expression for your love of God.

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