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This is inspired by a text I sent to a Bible study Calvary, Rockland MA friend.

On occasion out of the blue my standard dream musings are pushed aside for something extraordinary.

The rarity of the occurrence highlights the source where such delectable, thought-provoking images and insights come from.

It is important to recognize the qualitative difference from my ordinary musings and thought pursuits and these once only journeys beyond my capacity to invoke experiences.

Also, it is important to distinguish between dissolute suggestion of the broken angel and the always trustworthy friend with a universe to manage,

Dissolute suggestion relies on fear to make its impression.

Your friend, on the other hand, knows when you are almost ready to shift your stride.

So, these momentary whispers anticipate an eternity of journeys down wisdom's path.

The question to you is this: are you benefiting from these whispers?

Requires dreaming without a blindfold or insulation for the ears.

Means that you recognize your common repertoire of thoughts and know the difference between dissolute suggestion and the magnificence of the Creator.

Imagine if everyone eagerly awaited the next whisper meant for them.

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