The snake and the Lion Pt.2

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Hogwarts au

Hyunjin let out a sigh.

He had just finished his last class, which was Divination, and he was really tired yet excited. He had made a promise to his crush to bring him to the Three Broomstick after classes.

He rushed towards the tree they always meet up at, passing through a bunch of Third year girls who were gushing over him, but he gave them no thoughts. His mind was focusing on one thing, or a certain someone to be exact.

His grin widened as he saw the Gryffindor standing under the tree with someone. Wait? Jeongin was standing under THEIR tree with someone?

At first, Hyunjin didn't want to jump into conclusions. 'The other person could be just a friend, right?' he thought to himself as he hid behind a pillar, discreetly eyeing the younger boy and the other person, who looks older than both Jeongin and Hyunjin.

But his eyes widened in shock as he saw the older boy kiss Jeongin's forehead affectionately. Hyunjin's fist clenched. He was mad and hurt, all his hopes shattering.

From the distance, he saw Jeongin giggle and that made his blood boil.

But then he asked himself, 'What right do I have to feel this way? I'm not his bestfriend, let alone his boyfriend! I have no reason to be mad.'

When he snapped back to reality, he realized tears were slowly streaming down his face. He wiped the tears furiously as he made a dash to the dorms. He can't stand there any longer.

On the way to the dorm, he bumped into Minho and Jisung. "Hyunjin? Are you okay?" Minho asked, looking at Hyunjin's tear stained face.

Hyunjin ignored the concerned looks from his friends as he rushed pass them.

He arrived to his dorm and locked the door, not wanting anyone to see him in this state.

He knees buckled and gave way as he slowly sank to the floor, his back facing the door. Hugging his knees, he silently sobbed.

Fate really did like to play with his heart.

When he finally found a person who he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with, that person already has someone else.

As stupid as it sounds, Hyunjin was in love with the Gryffindor, who already has someone else. Someone else to make the younger smile, someone else to make him happy, someone else to love him.

After his sobbing session, Hyunjin decided to get himself together. He won't let a heartbreak stop him from being happy.

Hyunjin did his night routine (even though it was still evening) and crashed onto his bed, needing rest after the harsh day, not even bothering to eat dinner.

If he went down to dinner, he would have to see his beloved, in the arms of someone else. Plus, he was kinda lazy anyways.

So Hyunjin closed his eyes and drifted off to a restless sleep.


It's been a week since Hyunjin's 'discovery' and the elder had been avoiding the younger, frustration coming over him everytime he sees the younger.

Minho, who was sick and tired of a mopey Hyunjin, suggested Hyunjin to go talk to Jeongin.

"You can't ignore him forever, Jin. You're gonna have to talk to him eventually."

Hyunjin groaned. He knew Minho was right but his stubborn ass was to nervous to talk to the younger, afraid that if he sees Jeongin, he would burst into tears.

Minho then put his coat on and put his wand in his pocket. Hyunjin figured that he was going on a date with Jisung for like, what, the fourth time this week, and its still friday.

Before leaving, Minho said to Hyunjin, "If you love him that much, you would be happy when he's happy."

Hyunjin was laying on his bed, staring on the ceiling.

'Minho has a point, I hate it when he's wise.'

Hyunjin got up and put on his coat and scarf, it was pretty chilly at night. Hyunjin glanced at the time.

'7.00 pm'.

Jeongin usually likes to stay in the gardens at these times. Hyunjin used to accompany him sometimes, well, that was before last week.

Hyunjin didn't even know why he was approaching Jeongin in the first place. To sort things out? Maybe.

Before he knew it, Hyunjin was at the garden, trying to search for the fox-like Gryffindor. Then, he spotted Jeongin, sitting on the grass with a book.

Hyunjin nervously approached the boy, clearing his throat, grabbing the attention of the boy with the book.

"Hi.... Jeongin." Hyunjin said a bit akwardly.

Jeongin then tilted his head a bit and went back straight to his book, leaving the Slytherin confused.

Hyunjin ran his tongue over his lips, then said, "Are you mad?"

Jeongin looked up to Hyunjin with quite cold eyes, put his book down, then stood up.

"You tell me. You've been avoiding me for a week. Ignoring my greetings and practically my whole existence."

"W-well, I didn't want to disturb your time with your boyfriend."

All the rage in Jeongin seemed to disappear, his mind filling with confusion and shock instead.

"B-boyfriend?" Jeongin merely whispered. Since when did he have a boyfriend?

"You know, the tall guy, kissed you on the forehead. I've seen him on the pitch somewhere, I think he's one of Gryffindor's beaters."

Something just clicked in Jeongin's head when Hyunjin said that. So Hyunjin was jealous?

"Ohh, you mean Chan?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes slightly, he hated the way the younger's eyes seem to lit up at the simple mention of Chan's name.

Jeongin giggled, embracing Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's body tensed for a moment, but relaxed at the warmth of the younger's body.

"Chan is my cousin. The guy you saw kiss me last week was him. He was just asking advice from me since he wanted to ask Seungmin out. But why're you even jealous? We're not even in a relationship!" Jeongin said, staring in Hyunjin's eyes.

Hyunjin then cupped Jeongin's face.

"What if we change that?"

Jeongin just blinked at the suggestion.

"What if I said that I like you and I want to be your boyfriend?"

Jeongin's cheeks heated up, not trusting his ears. Jeongin laughed as he nodded vigorously.

"Of course!"

Hyunjin let a sigh of relief, hugging Jeongin, taking in his scent. He smelled like lavender.

Jeongi broke the hug, which resulted Hyunjin pouting. But his pouting stopped when he felt something warm and squishy on his lips for a nanosecond.

Jeongin chuckled at Hyunjin's reaction and went back to hugging Hyunjin.

Hyunjin could only smile and take in the moment. Everything felt surreal to him, but he's happy that it turned out like this, happy that he took in Minho's advice, happy that he had Jeongin in his arms.

Wtf is this ending😁

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