Chapter 6 (East Blue Saga)

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Ki limped out of the door and leaned against the wall, balancing her weight on her good leg. She watched as Patty and Carne began to drag Gin into the restaurant. Gin through his gasps for air called to Luffy, "You can't... Defeat him."

Sanji reached for Luffy and grabbed his forearm, "Wait, attacking head on is exactly what he wants. He's strongest that way!"

Luffy stared coldly at the opposing captain, "I'm not worried."

Ki yelled out as Luffy stormed forward, "Get 'em Luffy!"

Luffy cried out, "Go ahead and give it your best shot!"

Krieg retorted, "Dumb kid! When you lose your patience, you become easy prey! You are only running toward one thing, chore boy! And that is... Your funeral!" Krieg tossed more bombs into the water, creating another gizer of cover so he could shoot at Straw Hat. Luffy didn't stop, even after he was hit with multiple of the spears.

Sanji yelled out, "He got hit!"

The water gave way as Luffy shot through, he leapt into the air and screeched, "Gum Gum pistol!!"

Don Krieg tried to shield himself with his cloak of spikes but Luffy's fist connected with it and Krieg's face underneath.

Ki laughed, "A coward like that could never beat Luffy. No porcupine cloak was gonna stop that kid from clocking that bastard."

Luffy's blood dripped onto the planks as he winced, he pulled out each spike one by one and tossed them aside. "So this is my funeral? Or yours? You can't kill me with little spikes! My funeral... Will take more than this!" Luffy stumbled but remained on his feet, "You'll have to do better than that. If you wanna beat me. 'Cuz I don't think it's time for me to die just yet!" Krieg was out cold on the floating rubble in front of Luffy as he looked on, determined.

Sanji was still on the ground close to Zeff and Ki, "I know one thing. He's nuts."

Zeff spoke in his gruff tone, "I've seen one or two like him before. Stubborn kids that would rather die than have to turn away from a fight once it's started."

Sanji agreed, "He'll stay. That's for sure."

Ki grinned, "Yupp, he's got way too much at stake to let this guy take him down."

Zeff chuckled, "I'm glad he's with us 'cuz guys like that are hell to fight. I don't care if he wins or loses, I consider it an honor just to watch him."

Krieg struggled to his feet, muttering something inaudible to the group across the way. Ki gritted her teeth, "The bastard is getting back up?! Damn this guy!"

Krieg got to his feet and swung his shield at Luffy, firing off another shot at the rubber boy. "Go to hell!"

Straw Hat dodged, narrowly avoiding the attack and hooked his foot on Krieg's shoulder. Luffy yelled, "You first!" Krieg slammed back down onto his back with a clatter.

Krieg shot up, "Shut up, maggots! Never doubt me! He snapped his two shields together and pulled the hilt downward, creating a spear that he slashed at Luffy. The spear connected with the boat debris and exploded on impact.

Ki burst out, "An exploding spear?!" Krieg swung the spear again, connecting with the broken poll Luffy hid behind. Luffy was flung off the boat and Ki rushed forward, "I've gotta catch him before-"

Luffy managed to grab the railing of another blown apart boat, "Woah, woah, woah. Not in the water! Not in the water!"

Sanji grimaced, "He's lost way too much blood. He can't fight for much longer. This had better end quickly."

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