Chapter 24 (Beginning Alabasta arc)

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The navigator eyed the sphere on her wrist, "I only took my eyes off the log pose for a second! I thought the waves were calm."

Miss Wednesday hummed, "You're not a very good navigator, are you?" Nami growled but the blue haired woman continued, "You can't trust anything here. Not the wind, sky, waves, clouds, nothing is as it seems in the sea. The only way to get reliable direction is with the log pose, everyone knows that."

Nami landed a swift kick to the pair of stowaways and snarled, "Shut your condescending mouths and do something useful around here!!" She spun on her heel and trotted back to the railing of the upper deck as she barked orders to the crew, "Brace the yard! Force the wind starboard! Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! Usopp, man the lateen sail! Sanji, take the helm!"

Usopp yelled back, "Got it!"

Sanji cooed, "Leave it to me!"

Nami turned her rage to Miss Wednesday and Mister Nine, "Work, you two!"

Mister Nine whined, "This girl is crazy."

Ki hopped down to the lower decks and chuckled, "You just had to get her riled up. That's on you, now you've angered the redhead. Haha!"

Usopp raised his eyes to the sky, "Hey, wait! It looks like the wind has changed!"

Nami gasped, "Huh? Are you sure?!"

A blast of warm wind blew over the crew as Mister Nine crossed his arms and grinned, "The first spring gale!"

Usopp shrieked at Zoro, "Yo! Wake up snowman, we're in a crisis!!"

Zoro cracked an eye open and grunted, "Eh?"

Luffy rushed to the railing and raised a hand over his eyes with a small chuckle,"Hey! I think I just saw a dolphin jump. Let's follow it!"

Nami shrieked, "You keep quiet!!"

The wind gusts began picking up speed and ferocity as the waves pitched the boat back and forth. Usopp shouted, "The waves are getting really high! And there's an iceberg at ten o'clock! This isn't good!"

Sanji creased his brow and joined the sniper's warnings, "A fog's rolling in!"

Nami clutched the sides of her face as she screamed, "This is crazy!! What's going on?!"

Usopp cried, "It's the end!! We're gonna crash!!"

Ki ran over to Sanji and helped him steer the rudder, pushing with her back as he pulled. Her boots squeaked against the hard wood and she ground her teeth, "Dammit. We're right back into the frying pan! Damn this weather!" She struggled against the strength of the waves, listening to Sanji's frustrated grunts and Usopp's crazed shrieks out on the deck.

Nami hooked an arm around the rudder and began shoving it along with Ki, "We've gotta avoid that iceberg or we're screwed!"

The Merry creaked and groaned while the crew screamed in panic. Luffy's sandals clapped the ground as he shouted to the navigator, "Nami! Water is coming in from the bottom of the Merry!"

Nami curtly growled, "Then go patch it!!"

Usopp zoomed across the lower deck, "Got it!"

Nami furrowed her brow, "The wind is picking up!"

Dark clouds started rolling in and Ki winced as the wind whipped her hair. She wrenched her head to the side to peer out the door, "Ooooh shit. That can't be good," She snapped two portals open and hooked her heels in, shoving her back as hard as she could against the rudder, "Come on, Merry! We gotta move!"

Nami barked, "Quick!! We gotta hurry!"

Luffy clutched his hat with wide eyes and clenched teeth, "Big time!"

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