Chapter 28 (Alabasta Arc)

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The men grunted in surprise while Ki groaned and rubbed her hand down her face, "Oh great, you said the magic word to summon the gold gremlin."

Nami made a sour face at Ki but quickly returned to her usual cheerful demeanor, "I'll take it! How does a billion Berries sound?"

Igaram coughed, "Ma, ma, ma!! What did you say?!"

Zoro shifted his gaze to the redhead and raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were asleep?"

Nami hopped down from her perch and strode over to them, "Oh come on, give me some credit. Who in their right mind would go to sleep in a town that welcomes pirates like Whiskey Peak. It was all an act, a charade, a pretense," She spoke mockingly and grinned, "Oh, I can't drink anymore but I have to win the contest!"

Ki rolled her eyes at the swordsman, "Why are you surprised? I did the exact same thing... Except I actually helped with the fighting! Unlike someone who waited to show herself until there was money dangled in front of her!"

Nami stuck out her tongue, "Oh whatever, don't act like you weren't looking for a fight! You could've stayed inside with the others!" She addressed Igaram, "So why don't you go ahead and promise us that one billion Berry reward, captain? 'Cause if we don't agree to help your precious princess, then she is probably gonna die."

Igaram winced, "I am but a simple soldier, I cannot promise such an immense reward."

The navigator knelt down in front of the curly haired man and sneered, "Hmm. Surely you're not suggesting that your princess' life is worth less than that? Right?"

Zoro crossed his arms and sighed, "Doesn't really fight fair, does she?"

Igaram growled, "I can't promise anything! But if you're willing to deliver the princess to Alabasta then you had best negotiate the terms of the reward directly with her."

Nami smirked, "Which means I have to save her first, huh?"

Igaram pleaded, "Please, understand! Her life is in danger!"

The redhead rose to her feet and rested her hands on her hips, "Oh, alright. I'll go ahead and save your darling princess for now," She snapped her arm to the side and glared at the swordsman, "Well, Zoro?! Go get her!"

Zoro screeched, "Screw that, no! If you wanna make money then fine but you don't have to involve me in it!"

Nami shouted, "Don't be stupid and stubborn! The money that I make is certainly mine but the contracts that I land benefit all of us, why can you not see that?"

The swordsman shouted, "Do you seriously expect me to buy into that crap?!"

The redhead shrugged, "What? All you really have to do here is cut up a few guys."

Zoro growled, "Oh, really?! Is that all?! Don't boss me around like you do that idiot cook!"

Nami retorted, "Oh, I see-"

Ki angrily cleared her throat, "If I go get the damn princess will you two shut the hell up?! Damn!"

Nami scoffed at the swordsman, "So you're gonna let a woman pick up your slack? Come on, Zoro."

Ki growled, "Shut up, Nami! Geez!" She angrily pointed at Luffy bouncing down the street and shouted, "Just keep an eye on his dumbass and I'll get the girl!"

Zoro sighed, "I'll go after her-"

Ki hissed, "No! Stay here with Luffy! I don't want any more shenanigans tonight! I am over this fucking place," She turned on her heel and stomped in the direction of the damsel as well as her pursuers. She opened a portal under her and pointed to a nearby rooftop. Her boots hit the cement and kept pushing forward as she kept her eyes trained on the alleyways below. Her gaze darted back and forth as she hopped from building to building, "Damn, that duck must be fucking fast," She caught sight of Mister Five and Miss Valentine and sighed, "Alright, must be getting closer, where are you princess?" Miss Monday's large frame stepped out from the shadows, separating the pair from Vivi and her bird. Ki pumped her legs faster and dropped into the alley behind the giant woman. She landed on the balls of her feet on the back of Karoo, "Finally found you."

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