Promises-Chapter eighteen

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"𝓘 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓪𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓰𝓸"

"Your bey says to point your launcher downwards and launch her at that specific angle—Yes, there."

Magenta Eye almost dropped her bey. She looked around, but all of the other bladers were busy training. Besides, she would have heard if someone had sneaked up on her and whispered in her ear like a creep.

Then again, Ashtem and his lackeys were all creeps. Just creeps with money and facilities. And no morals.

"I agree with the no morals part. Relax. This is, quite literally, all in your head."

The girl brought a hand to her head. Had she knocked her head on something while training? Was it the food Ashtem provided? Was it laced with some poisonous drug that gave her hallucinations—?

"Interesting idea, but quit the panicking. I'm right here, in your pocket. Hear me out."

Magenta Eye felt in her pocket, fingers brushing against the sharp blades of that new bey, Shadow Karaninn. She just knew it; there was something off about the bey.

"First Ashtem gives me this, then it starts reading my mind. What, are you supposed to be a bug that reports back to him or something?"

The girl heard a sharp laugh, almost like a caw of a raven. There was a pause before the mysterious spirit replied.

"Yes, and no. He wants to see how you'll deal with such a destructive bey like me, and my voice in your head."

Magenta Eye glanced at the masked man standing at the front of the huge cavern-like training room. The dim light was just enough for her to make out the sharp glints that reflected off the coloured lenses covering his eyes. 

That sounded like Ashtem. It sounded a lot like what he would do.

"Fine, I'll listen. Make it quick."

italics (memories)

"Y'know, we could participate in tag team battles."

Lui ruffled his sister's hair affectionately, a rare smile stretching across his face. The girl's eyes lit up.


"When you're older."

The blader held out his bey, Longinus. The ice-blue motif in the middle glinted in the afternoon light.

"Then we can crush our enemies together, yeah?"

The girl giggled and wiped away the last of her tears. She reached for her own bey, a huge Attack-type that often drew incredulous looks from passers-by when they saw her, a young girl, training with it.

"Yeah. Promise?"

Lui snorted and poked her cheek, but hooked his pinky through his sister's anyways.

"You're such a crybaby. You better start training hard."

"I will! Stop teasing me!"

"Crybaby. Excited to see me on TV? I betcha I'll bring home the World Leagues Champion belt."

"Arrogant. You owe me chocolate if you don't."

"Wow, such an effective threat!"

"You're a jerk."

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