Déjà vu-Chapter fourteen

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There was, just like Ravlynne thought, a water source near the abandoned bey stadium. It was a pretty big water source too, a lake instead of a pool, right at the edge of the forest.

The forest wrapped around BC Sol on three sides, and the lake was in front of the main building, which meant Ravlynne had spent most of the early morning taking a leisurely stroll through the woods and around the club.

"Leisurely? You almost tripped over a tree root just now."

Karaginn pointed out dryly. The raven didn't care much for strolls or lakes.

Ravlynne ignored her bey, but glanced at the ground just to make sure there weren't any protruding roots. She had almost twisted her ankle earlier. Again.

Her injured ankle barely bothered her anymore, but she still needed calf-length boots for the support when blading, especially since her launches involved aerial attacks. A re-fracture would put her out of action for a good month, maybe more.

It wouldn't hurt to be a little more careful in the unfamiliar terrain of the forest, especially since she had gone off the trail a long time ago.

"You know, there's more than deers out here. I saw a tiger once."

A bored voice drifted from one particular tree. Ravlynne looked up and caught a pair of bright golden eyes observing her keenly from the leaf canopy. She glanced around; there were no footprints except for her own. Did the no. 1 blader get around by jumping from tree to tree?

"Well, what am I supposed to do? Politely request for an escort at four in the morning?"

Free made his way down, branch by branch, till his boots were planted on the earth.

"That would depend on why you were up at four in the morning."

His onyx eyes had a spark of curiosity in them, but she couldn't be sure. The light grey rings seemed to absorb all light, and the sun hadn't fully risen yet.

Ravlynne tilted her head towards Free and smirked.

"Why, to get a glimpse of the international prodigy. And on second thoughts, possibly an autograph if you don't mind. I am your biggest fan, Mr De La Hoya."

"Gimme a moment. I need a sick bag to puke in."

Karaginn gagged and covered her beak. Fafnir patted her back but withdrew his wing and grinned when she glared at him.

Free cleared his throat. He could hear the sarcasm in Ravlynne's voice. Either she didn't trust him, or she didn't want to share. Or possibly both. He couldn't blame her.

But there was still something in the way her lips smoothed upwards into a smile that made Free struggle to maintain his monotone voice. He shrugged and made himself comfortable on the bank of the lake, trying to regulate his breathing.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Nothing happened.

"I am pretty famous."

Free closed his eyes, legs crossed and palms facing up. Sleeping? Meditating? As everything was with the boy, it was hard to tell.

Ravlynne exhaled. The smile faded. It was time to find the way back to the main building anyways. Free could meditate on his own with his deer and that blackbird for company.

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Meditating by the lake was calming. Peaceful. Relaxing, even. That was, most of the time. It took his mind off everything else and made him focus on whatever move he needed to perfect next, the next step in his blading journey.

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