Chapter 3: Dorms sweet dorms

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"I don't know about this Kookie. Do you think it's safe to do all of this while pregnant?" I nodded. "When I called to make the first appointment I asked a bunch of questions. They told me how to handle the morning sickness and that so long as I'm not being too rough it will be okay." "Alright." "I mean it's mostly at night when the sickness hits so as long as I eat lots of dry snacks throughout the day and before I get out of bed I should be okay. And she said it usually goes away near the end of the first trimester. Sometimes a little into the second." "Okay. I'm still not sure how long we can keep it a secret from the other members though." "I don't know but I'm not ready to tell anyone yet." I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. "I know."

He reached over and held my hand. Once we got to the studio I was bombarded by the other five members asking if I was feeling better. "Yes I'm okay." We began our practice again and this time I made it through without any incidents. We all sat down for dinner and RM came out with a bowl. "It's time to draw names and see who will be sharing a room with who. We will start with the trio." V was closest to the bowl so he got to go first. "I got Jimin." The bowl was then handed over to Jimin who put his hand in. "Jin." The bowl was then sent over to Jin who pulled out Hoseok. The bowl was then transferred to him. "The first double will be Jungkook." I felt my heart rate pick up. Suga and I only shared a room once while on tour and it was part of the trio. Now more than ever I wanted to share with him at least until the morning sickness goes away. I put my hand in and felt around for a moment before pulling out a name. "Suga." "That leaves you and me pretty boy." V playfully punched RM on the arm as we all put our names back into the bowl and sat it on the counter.

I stared down at my pasta and as much as I love Jin's cooking the smell of it was turning my stomach. I grabbed my fork and played with my food. I felt Suga rub my leg and looked at him. He gave me a worried look so I pinched my nose. He smiled a bit, getting the hint. I guess the baby doesn't like pasta. I grabbed my plate trying to hide from the others that I hadn't eaten anything and threw it in the trash. Thankfully we used paper plates tonight so they didn't have to know how much I threw away. "I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight." Everyone rang goodnight back and I grabbed Suga and I's bags heading off to our room.

I put our things away before crawling into bed. I heard the door open behind me and I saw Yoongi holding a plate with a glass of water. "I figured you have to eat something and you've been eating a lot of crackers with peanut butter so I brought you some if you want. And some water." He sat them down on the nightstand. "Thank you. I mostly just want to cuddle though." He smiled and crawled into bed with me and held me. God his scent is so intoxicating.

"Yoongi." "Hmm." "If I promise to be quiet will you fuck me?" I watched as his eyes snapped open and looked at me. "Are you sure you're feeling well enough? Or not too tired?" "Oh I'm tired but." I shifted a bit, grinding against him. "If I had known you were excited I would have come in much sooner." He got out of bed and took the pillows from his bed, putting them behind the headboard. He then grabbed the t.v. remote and put it on a random show with the sound a little higher than normal. He then began to undress himself and I followed his lead.

I know we have to rush which sucks but at least we can still be intimate. He reached into his bag and then stopped, laughing a bit. "What?" "I was going to grab a condom but I guess there's no point." I laughed too and instead he just grabbed the lube. I layed back and waited for instruction. "Play with yourself while I get ready." I nodded and began to pump myself, biting back my moans as I watched him rubbing his own member. He then grabbed my hand entwining our fingers before entering. A small moan escaped me but I don't think it was loud enough to be heard.

He then began to thrust and I used my other hand to hold my mouth closed as a reminder to be quiet. After about five minutes I felt Yoongi begin pumping me in time with his own thrusts. This pushed me over the edge and yet another small moan escaped as I released. At the same moment I felt Yoongi release as well. He rode it out a bit and pulled out before laying next to me. I gave him a quick kiss before falling asleep.

Suga x JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now