Chapter 6: Surprise!

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My stomach had begun to expand and I was heavily nervous. Managers would not like to see my weight gain and I have no idea what to tell them or how we are going to do this. I heard a knock as I slipped my shirt back on. "Who is it?" "Tae." I opened the door and smiled. "What's up." "You were just in here awhile and I wanted to make sure you were okay." "Yeah I'm fine." I walked with him into the living room sitting on the couch.

"Shouldn't your morning sickness be gone?" I looked around me and noticed the other members hadn't come back from dinner yet. "Unfortunately some people get it longer or through the whole pregnancy and it seems like I'm one of them." "When is your next appointment?" "Tomorrow. It's at one. I'm not sure how I'm going to leave to do it though. This is an important one too. They do an anatomy scan to make sure the baby is developing well and when we can find out the gender if we want." "Yoongi doesn't want to go?" "He does. He hates that he's missed all of the appointments but it's hard for one of us to sneak off let alone two." He nodded, seeming to understand. "Maybe we can think of a way to get all of us out for a bit so you can go together." "I would like that." At this moment the front door opened and five men burst through it.

Three of them were clearly drunk, including my lover. Yoongi walked over and plopped on the couch next to me kissing my neck. I pulled away feeling uncomfortable with him doing it infront of everyone. He knows that gets me excited rather quickly. "Why'd you move." I just raised my eyebrows at him and slightly gestured around. "Oh yeah." He chuckled a bit and the other boys chuckled as well. "I mean if you guys want some alone time you can just ask." RM slurred his words a bit as he spoke. "Yeah. Oh there's that arcade like I don't know where but there's an arcade we can go to." Hoseok stumbled over and leaned between us as he said this. "I would looove to go to the arcade." I rubbed my hand on my face, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You guys are making him uncomfortable cut it out." Jin pulled Hoseok away and gave me an apologetic look.

"Well. I do think it could be fun. We could go and give them some privacy and what they choose to do with that is none of our business." Jimin gave me a smile as if he could tell I did want them to leave but not just so Suga and I could fuck. "Oh can weeee pleeeeaaaase." Hoseok hung onto Jin begging him to go. Jin looked around. "I don't mind letting them be alone but you two are way too drunk to be going out again." RM and Hoseok looked offended. "I am not that drunk." He tripped over his feet hitting the ground as he said this. "Ya not too drunk at all." Tae laughed at our leader as he said this, making a move to help him up. "Let's get you to bed big boy." "But I'm not tired." "Okay." Tae continued leading the other boy to his room as Jin followed suit with Hoseok.

Jimin sat down on a chair across from me as Yoongi snuggled into me. I wrapped my arm around him, giving him a gentle kiss on the head. After a moment the other two boys came out. "Well RM is already passed out." "J-hopes not there yet but he will be any minute." They sat down and let out a breath. "Not gonna lie it really did sound fun." Tae nodded in agreement with Jimin. "Let's go then." Tae stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Do you guys want to come?" He looked over at me and Yoongi and I shook my head. "I think he's about out too." Tae nodded and the last three members left the room.

Yoongi looked up at me with a devilish grin. "I'm not drunk enough to pass out ya know." I chuckled. "You could have fooled me." He sat up and immediately began attacking my neck once more. "Come one baby. Don't you want to?" He looked down at me and I debated. My sex drive decreased for a while and was starting to come back but I had just been sick too. He kissed my neck once more before sitting up. "If you really don't want to that's okay." I smiled at him. Even drunk he was still so considerate. "We haven't done it in a couple of months." The last time we had sex was the night before we had told the members what was going on. Which was about two months ago.

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