Chapter 9: Everything but the kitchen sink

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"Do you want me to go with you?" I looked down at Suga and shrugged my shoulders. He was tying my shoes for me as I had been struggling and getting angry to do so. I really don't think I can return to work next week. It was currently Tuesday and Friday was the gender reveal. I wanted to invite my parents but that also means I need to tell them. I asked if they could meet for lunch today and they had agreed. "I want you there but I also feel like it's something I should do alone." He nodded standing up holding his hand out to help me off the couch. "Okay. I'll drop you off and go across the street or something until you guys are done." I nodded.

We drove to the lunch meet up and Yoongi helped me out of his truck. We had arrived 10 minutes early so I didn't have to risk them seeing and giving anything away. I gave Yoongi a quick kiss before heading inside and grabbing a booth. I hid myself as best as I could. About five minutes later I saw my parents walk in and waved them over. "It's so good to see you!" My mom gave me a hug and my dad smiled at me before they sat down.

"Don't take this the wrong way kiddo but I'm surprised you've put on some weight." Guess we are jumping right in. "Oh yeah." I looked down, fiddling with my straw. "I've really needed to talk to you guys for a while but our schedules haven't lined up." I looked up at them and they seemed concerned. "Is everything alright?" I took in a shaky breath and nodded. "I uhm. I." "Welcome. May I take your order?" Of Course the waitress would come over now. My parents ordered their drinks and the waitress nodded letting them look over the menu longer.

They sat them down giving me their full attention. "What were you going to say?" I feel like I'm going to be sick. I've never been so nervous before. "I'm pregnant." The words hung in the air as my parents sat in silence. "How far along are you?" "Almost 6 months." "And your still working?" Oh no he sounds mad. "I'm. I'm gonna talk to managers when we go back on Monday." I could hear the tears in my throat. My mom smiled at me. "Well your brother asked us to tell you he's getting married. So I guess we will get a daughter and a grand baby around the same time." I looked at them. "Why didn't he tell me?" "We know how busy you are, son. He wanted to tell you in person but since it's getting closer he asked us to relay the message." I nodded, still not sure if they were upset or not. I felt my mom lean over and grab my hand.

"We aren't mad Jeon. We are just surprised and a little disappointed you're so far along and we had no idea." I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank god. I was so scared you guys would hate me." "Not at all." My dad nodded in agreement with my mother. "I have to ask though. Is the father in the picture? Does he treat you good? I want to meet him." I laughed a bit. "Yes he's in the picture. Yes, he treats me amazingly. He even tied my shoes for me this morning. And you've kind of already met him once." "So then who is it?" "Yoongi." "You should have invited him." I laughed. "I felt like I should do it alone. He's across the street in case I need him and so he can give me a ride back to his place." "Text him to join us."

I nodded, pulling out my phone. 'My parents want you in here.' I sat my phone down and the waitress came back with my parents' drinks. We ordered our food and I placed one for Suga knowing what he would want. I felt my phone buzz and looked at it. 'Ah so my inevitable murder has come.' I smiled. 'Just get your ass in here.' 'Only if I can tap yours.' I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. "Hoeseok is doing a gender reveal on Friday. I'd love it if you guys could make it. Maybe brother too." They nodded. "We wouldn't miss it for the world." Yoongi made his way over to the table and sat down next to me. "It's nice to officially meet you." My parents nodded and immediately after my father started to grill him.

"So what are your intentions? Are you going to marry our son? How is it going to work with you guys? Are you guys going to have issues when Jeon quits working?" Yoongi stayed calm and shrugged. "Eventually I like to think we will get married. As for our plans with the baby I was hoping you would give permission for Kookie to move in with me. I have an extra room for them and that way we can both raise them together much easier." I blushed.

Yoongi wants to marry me? Has he ever really thought about it before or was he just saying it to make my dad happy? I would love to officially live with him. "I think that sounds like a good plan. Maybe this week I can slowly pack your things and we can help move your stuff in. How does that sound?" I smiled at my mom. "I would appreciate that, thank you." My dad held up his hand. "Hold on. He said them." "Oh. Did I forget to mention it's twins?" My mom giggled while my dad rolled his eyes clearly playing. The rest of lunch went smoothly and next thing I knew we were at Hoseok's family home.

It was just the band members but that's okay. Their my family too. My parents said they would be here shortly and my brother said he'd try but couldn't make any promises. "Hey Yoongi. What about your parents?" "They're out of town. I told them a while ago." "You did?" He nodded. "I went to see them while you stayed with your parents for those two weeks. I told them we were seeing each other so calling them to tell them you were pregnant didn't seem so bad. My mom hounded me that I better help you out." I laughed.

His mom always sounded so sweet when he spoke of her. After a while my parents showed up with my brother and the party kicked off. It was mostly just food and talking but it was nice. After about an hour Hoseok brought out two balloons, giving one to each of us. "Okay. I figured you guys can take turns or do it at the same time. It's up to you!" Yoongi shrugged. "Take turns?" I nodded. He held up the pin and the balloon popped and blue confetti fell everywhere. Everyone cheered and clapped. Once everyone calmed down I grabbed my pin and popped my balloon. To my surprise there was pink confetti. Everyone cheered even louder, most likely glad we got one of each. Yoongi gave me a quick kiss and hugged me. The party ended about two hours later and by the time we got back to Sugas I was exhausted.

"I know we have to go get my things tomorrow but I'm so tired." Yoongi chuckled. "If your still tired you can stay home and sleep while I go get it." "No that's not fair at all." "It's really not a big deal." I shrugged and crashed onto the bed. The next morning we headed off to my parents. My brother came and helped load things and we all took off to Yoongis. I didn't have a ton. I obviously didn't need my bed or toiletries as I had some over there already. It was mostly just my art supplies and clothes.

Once everything was done and settled I made lunch for everyone. "So. When are you getting married?" "We haven't settled on a date yet. We were thinking of doing it around the time your due but she's okay with postponing until after you've healed so you can make it." I smiled but shook my head. "Please don't move around your happiness for me." "It's not a big deal. It's a couple extra weeks is all." Once they left I started putting up my art supplies in Yoongi's studio. He moved things around so half could be mine. Yoongi came in and started to help. He sat up my easel as I pulled things out.

"Have you really thought about marrying me or did you say that to make my dad happy?" "I thought about it from the moment I knew I loved you." I blushed a bit and smiled. "That makes me happy." Yoongi knelt down next to me and smiled. "Do you want to marry me?" "Of course I do." "You misunderstand Kookie. Do you want to marry me?" I looked at him a bit confused as to what he meant. I just told him I'd love to. I know we won't right now but eventually. He laughed more and I was starting to feel embarrassed. "Let me word it this way. Will you marry me?" "Of course!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a kiss. He held me tightly back before pulling out a silver wedding band. "I know your very swollen so it might not fit." "I can put in on a chain." He smiled and I dug through my boxes until I found one. We put it on and around my neck. He then pulled out another one and put it on his finger. "I love you Jeon Jungkook." "And I love you Min Yoongi." 

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