Chapter 11: Bad Blood

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I sat my note down on the counter letting Yoongi know I was going shopping. He had been up late finding other companies to produce music through to support us and I didn't want to disturb him. I grabbed my wallet and key and headed out. The grocery store was only a couple blocks away and I could get a taxi back to the apartment. It had been about a month since we were told this would be our last album and it was really starting to hit me. I'm going to miss seeing everyone all of the time but I'm glad we can finally rest and live our lives at the same time.

I was about halfway to the store when I noticed a group of guys following me. I stopped and felt for my phone in my pocket. Once I confirmed I had it I kept walking. They're probably just going the same way calm down. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I came up on a turn when I felt one of them tap my shoulder. I turned around slowly and looked at them. They were all in the early to mid thirties and a little dirty. "Hey. We're new around here. Do you know where the supermarket is?"

I nodded and pointed in the direction I was going. "It's just two more blocks this way." They all laughed a bit as who I assume to be the leader grabbed my collar. "I'm pretty sure it's this way." He then pushed me into the alley and threw me against the wall. I let out a small gasp as it knocked the wind out of me. "Fucking faggots." He then punched my face and threw me to the ground. I wanted to fight back but there were five of them and one seven month pregnant me.

I went to shield my face but felt myself shielding my stomach instead as they began to punch and kick mercilessly. "You people shouldn't be allowed to exist. Or breed." I heard one of them saying this as he tried to kick me in the abdomen. I tightened my grip but could still feel some impact. I felt tears streaming as I couldn't protect myself or my babies. They kept hitting me for what felt like hours before the leader grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the ground. He then repeated the motion a couple more times before finishing off with a punch.

He let go of me and they ran out quickly yet subtly. I went to move my arm to grab my phone but the pain was too excruciating. I felt my abdomen tighten uncomfortably and instead left my arms around myself. I silently cried and after a while felt another tightening motion along with a shooting pain that made me cry harder. I shoved through the pain and grabbed my phone.

My eyesight was blurry and I realized I had blood flowing into them. I blinked to clear them up a bit and after a moment found Yoongi's number. I hit dial and prayed he would pick up. After a couple rings I heard the older man answer with a tone that told me I had clearly woken him. "Why are you calling?" I tried not to cry as I spoke. "I left to go grocery shopping. There were these guys." I started to cry and his tone changed completely. "What's wrong? Where are you exactly?" "In an alley. Two blocks from the store. I tried to protect the babies. But my stomach." "I'm on my way, don't move."

I heard the phone hang up and cried. While I waited I continued getting shooting pain throughout my stomach. It took everything I had not to cry out. I heard a door slam shut and footprints run past the alley. I then heard them stop and turn around. I felt relief as I saw Yoongi run towards me. I cried harder as he leaned down. "Oh my god. What the hell happened?" He looked me over a bit more before scooping me up and running to the truck. He quickly put me in before speeding off leaving tire marks behind.

"If I ever find them." His hands clenched the steering wheel making his knuckles white. We pulled into the ER parking lot and he rushed me inside. "How can we help?" "Jeon Jungkook. He's seven months pregnant and a gang just beat the hell out of him. He said his stomach won't stop cramping." The lady's eyes widened and she quickly came around the desk and grabbed a wheelchair. She called for a nurse who came in and grabbed me helping Yoongi put me in. She then began taking me to a different part of the hospital Yoongi close behind.

My eyes started to feel heavy and I could feel them slipping closed. We reached a room and a group was already waiting for us. They grabbed me and quickly laid me down on a bed. The medical team started to undress me and usher Yoongi out. He didn't want to go and I didn't want him to go but I couldn't move or say anything as I gave into the exhaustion and let my eyes close. 

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