Chapter 10: Telling the managers

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I sat around nervously twiddling my thumbs. I thought I was nervous to tell my parents. Everyone is supposed to go back to their dorms today. I'm not sure if everyone is there or not but I had texted the managers last night that I needed to have a meeting with them first thing this morning. They had said that they'd been wanting a meeting with me anyway. I assume it's about my weight gain. After a couple more minutes, they finally walked into the room. They sat down across from me and sighed.

"Let's get started. Do you wish to go first?" I shook my head. "You can start." They nodded. "It's very obvious you have gained a tremendous amount of weight. Army isn't going to like it and we know we don't like it. We've been working on an exercise and diet plan for you." They pulled out some papers and handed them to me. I looked them over slightly knowing I can't do it. "I can explain the weight gain and that's why I wanted to have this meeting." "Well spit it out then." "I'm 6 months pregnant. It took awhile for the weight to start showing but it's catching up and fast. I can't hide it any longer and my doctor said I have to stop what I'm doing for safety. I'm sorry but I either need a long break or to quit the band." I was surprised at how clearly I spoke despite my nerves. They sat quietly in silence glancing at each other. "Go to your dorm and we will be in shortly with a verdict."

I nodded, thanked them for their time and left. Once I got to the dorm I saw that everyone was indeed there. Yoongi spoke first. "What did they say?" "They said they'd be in shortly with a verdict." He nodded and I clumsily sat down on the couch beside him and Taae. "Have you guys decided on names yet?" We both shook our heads. "I can honestly say I haven't even thought about it. I thought once they come out I'd know." Yoongi nodded, seeming to think the same. "My sister was nameless for four days because my parents couldn't decide on one." J

imin chuckled as he told his story, making me smile a bit too. I was still a nervous wreck. After twenty minutes we heard the door open and our managers walked into the room. "Jungkook." I went to stand up but found myself stuck. Jin helped me off the couch and I turned to face them. "Yes?" "We have decided to end your contract." My heart sank. I knew they wouldn't keep me and I know I couldn't raise our children with how demanding they were but it still hurt.

"I understand." "We will pay you the fee for canceling and handle the publicity over it as well." I nodded. "You should end my contract too." Yoongi stood up facing them. He may be the shortest in our group but he could still be very intimidating. "Your not the pregnant one who would cause too many issues. Besides if we lost two at the same time we may as well cancel the whole damn thing. There'd be no way to keep rumors at bay. I don't see why you'd want to end your career over Jungkook anyway." "Considering he is the mother of my children I think I have plenty of reasons."

The manager's eyes widened as he said this. "I can't believe you two would end your careers over something so trivial." Namjoon stood up now glaring at them. "What's trivial? That they're in love and want to have a family and spend time with them? You guys put us through so much and we get shit in return. Not to mention you get to go home to your families every night. We have to stay here. It's a miracle they were brought together considering we aren't allowed to date. What little time we get to spend with our loved ones is often cut short or interrupted and you guys couldn't care less. Would you say your family is trivial?"

They went to say something but he cut them off. "I'm not done. We see pennies compared to you guys. I get that you created us and deserve a better cut but you could pay us so much better. You could let us have a life but instead you stick us in dorms for days on end and don't let us do anything without your permission. Yeah we can go out after rehearsal and what not but most of the time we are too tired. AND we are required to get your permission. Sometimes we don't and if we get caught we get scorned for having some fun and blowing off steam. We are all sick of it so if you want to end Jungkook we are all more than happy to be done too."

We all stared astonished at our leader. He was right about everything yet we had never truly talked about how miserable we were. Sometimes it was obvious but never spoken. "I'll gladly buy out my contract. Jungkook probably didn't want to stay anyway so he could have time with his family and I know that's why Yoongi wants his cut too. But you have no right to treat us this way anymore." The managers stood stunned and doubfounded. None of us were moving or even seemingly breathing.

"Is this how all of you feel?" Everyone nodded their heads slowly, not sure what to do or say. "Well if you're so unhappy then fine. We will release the new album after Jungkook gives birth. Do a couple music videos and you're done. Go home." After they left everyone let out a shaky breath. "That was not how I expected that to go." Namjoon sat down as he said this and covered his face. "Sorry guys." "You just said what we've all been thinking." Everyone agreed with Jin and I sat down next. "Are you guys really okay with this?" They all nodded. "I'm exhausted." We all packed our things and said our goodbyes. "Be sure to tell us when you have the babies." "We will." Suga helped me up into his truck and took us home. 

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