Chapter 4: Jin the bully

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I sat up slowly as recommended and reached over for my crackers. I had put several inside my nightstand and began to munch on them when I finally realized Suga was missing. I ate a few more and once I felt it had been long enough I got up. My water was still on the stand so I took a sip noting that the peanut butter crackers were missing. I made my way into the living room to see everyone except Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Good morning Kookie!" "Morning Tae." I sat down next to him looking around. "Where Yoongi?" "He said he was running to the store real quick. It's so weird for him to be up and out early." I nodded. It had become normal for me. After the test he started trying to wake up before me to make sure I had everything I would need and that I was okay. Something tells me he's at the store right now to get me something. I felt tears sting at my eyes and I couldn't help but let them fall. Oh great, here comes the hormonal emotions. "Are you okay Kookie?" Jimin rushed over from where he was sitting and I watched as Tae and Jin looked over at me too.

"Yeah I'm fine. I can honestly say I have no idea why I'm crying." Jimin and Tae rubbed my back as Jin eyed me a bit, which irritated me. The front door opened and I saw Yoongi walk in holding a jar of peanut butter. So it was for me. I began to cry even harder and he rushed over. "You okay Kookie? What happened?" I put my hands up to say I didn't know. "He just started crying. He said he didn't know why." "I don't." I saw a small smile grace the olders lips and that helped me to settle. "I'm okay guys. Sorry." Jimin gave me a hug as Tae ruffled my hair. Soon after the other two boys joined us and we all had breakfast. I scarfed it down but soon regretted it as I rushed to the bathroom. Luckily I was already almost to it when it hit.

Once I was done I got ready for the day and ate a few more bland crackers. The day went as normal as it could until dinner time hit once more. I watched as Jin carefully put the plate in front of me. Another pasta dish very similar to the night before. "Eat up." I couldn't help it. I glared at him. The way he said it made it seem like he was testing me. All he did was smile back and sit down. Hoseok came in and looked at the food. "I didn't think we would have the same thing two nights in a row." "I don't see why we wouldn't. Unless there's someone around here that has a problem with it." "What are you looking at me for?" I didn't want it to come out the way it did. I am being so mean to him. But he started it. "Woah Kookie settle down. I'm sure Jin just happened to be looking at you."

I glanced over at our leader and nodded feeling defeated. "I thought it was delicious if I do say so myself. What did you guys think?" The group nodded. "It was I'm just not that big of a pasta fan." Jimin poked at it before taking a bite. The smell was really starting to get to me. "What did you think Kookie?" I looked at our oldest member. I had never once wanted to hit him but I do now. I then looked over at Yoongi who seemed to be just as confused as I was. I think I can see a hint of anger in his eyes as well. "It was good." "How would you know you threw it away." Everyone stopped eating and looked at me. "You did?" Hoseok almost sounded upset on Jin's behalf. "How do you know I threw it all away? Maybe I ate half and got full." "Because I watched you poke at it before pinching your nose and tossing it. I'm not saying it's your fault. If you don't like you don't like it." "Then why would you make it again?" "Just to test something."

I rolled my eyes and looked down at the food. I grabbed my chopsticks and picked some up. The closer the aroma got to my nose however the worse I felt. I took a bite hoping the taste would be different from the scent. I know that can happen. It wasn't though and I felt myself getting up and running to the restroom once more. After a while I came back out and the table had been cleared. "Kookie, will you please sit down." "Why? So you can keep being an ass to me?" "No. I just have a question." Everyone was watching us as though we were the next big series finale. I sighed and sat down next to Jin waiting for him to talk. Jin finally looked up and noticed everyone watching. "I honestly thought you guys had left. I wanted to talk to Kookie alone." "No way in hell. You've been mean to him all night. I am not letting you bully him Jin." I smiled as my best friend defended me. I could see Yoongi wanted to but it would be too out of character for him and would raise suspicion.

"I promise I'm not being a bully. Well. I guess I was and I'm sorry for that Kookie." "Just." I stopped to take a breath to calm down. "What is your question?" "Are you pregnant?" I felt my heart stop and everyone looked at Jin as though he were crazy. "Why would you ask that?" "Well for starters you're clearly still a little sick. I saw you rush into the bathroom this morning and just now for example. For two you were crying this morning over and I quote nothing. You've been off balance with your dances which isn't like you and you clearly have an issue with pasta which you never had before. I know it was wrong of me to make the pasta to test my theory and I didn't think you would actually eat it. I thought you would push it away or just say yeah it's trash or something."

I couldn't tell if I was sad, angry, or impressed. "You're crazy Jin. There's no way our golden Makanae would be pregnant!" "Thank you Namjoon but he's right." Now all eyes were on me. "What?" Tae was the first to speak and he almost sounded hurt. "I'm not very far along so I didn't want to tell anyone in case something happened." "So then how far along are you?" Jimin seemed like he was the only one who didn't care that I was and had already accepted it. "Around about two months. I have my first appointment this Friday." "So." I looked back over at Tae who was struggling to find the right words. "Hold on." Namjoon stood up angrily. "How the hell did you even consider that a possibility Jin." "My sister is currently pregnant and I watched her go through the same things." Namjoon nodded with an oh sound and sat back down. "Carry on Tae." "Okay? Who's the father?" I carefully made eye contact with Suga. I wasn't sure if I should say anything or not. "I am." Thank god the attention is off of me for a second. "What! You got our Kookie pregnant! You haven't seemed to care! Are you happy about this and what the hell is going on!"

These were all said by different people as things quickly got out of hand. I stood up not wanting to hear the yelling anymore. "Hey!" Everyone quieted down and looked back at me. "He is excited we both are. We've been together almost a whole year. It wasn't planned but we are happy nonetheless. And he does care but we weren't planning on telling you guys till we knew everything was okay and secure so he hasn't been doing much so as to not raise alarm bells. That's why I was crying this morning. At first I really didn't know but when I saw Yoongi come in with peanut butter, which is currently my favorite food it broke me. It made me so happy." I sat down as I began to cry again and this time Yoongi came over to comfort me. "I didn't want everyone to hate us." "We don't. I looked over at Hoseok. "I mean I guess I can't speak for everyone else but I think it's awesome! I think we are all just shocked. A whole year and we had no idea." Everyone agreed with him, making me feel a bit better. Things finally calmed down and after congratulations and a fresh peanut butter sandwich from Jin later I went to bed. I was exhausted.

I heard the door open and assuming it was Yoongi I began to scoot over for him to lay with me. I was wrong though. "Hey Tae what's up?" "Why didn't you say anything?" "If it didn't work out we didn't want anyone else to possibly be affected." "Yeah but after a year wouldn't that make it more okay?" I nodded. "Yes but it hasn't been a full year. Our anniversary isn't until next month." "Oh." He looked at the ground still seeming upset. "I'm sorry Tae. You're my best friend and I really did want to tell you but we promised each other we would wait until at minimum a year." "Its okay I'm just curious how you guys got together." I smiled. "I would love to tell you but can I do it in the morning? I'm exhausted." He nodded before giving me a hug and leaving me to fall asleep. 

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